F*ck You [Juice Ortiz]

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Living with Juice has its ups and downs, but no matter the situation it ends up being squashed with snarky comments and great make up sex. However, when [Y/N] was promoted at work her time was being split between work and travel which took a toll on the housework. Now typically Juice is a very tidy individual but when the club is in dire straits things tend to fall apart.

Prior to [Y/N] leaving for yet another business trip earlier in the week she had asked Juice very kindly to please tidy up before she got home. She even reiterated it over the phone when they talked to one another in the evenings. Fast forward to Saturday evening and all that's on [Y/N]'s mind is food, shower and bed.

Slowly, she pulls her luggage from the backseat and makes her way to the apartment door. While unlocking the front door the familiar sounds of Grand Theft Auto meets her ears bringing a smile to her face. That smile soon shifts to disgust and pure anger as her her [e/c] eyes land on the trash littering the entire living room.

"Hey baby, how was your trip?" Juice questions, his eyes never leaving the tv screen as he causes something to explode.

[Y/N] stops herself from lighting his ass on fire with a snappy comeback and settles for a curt reply, "good."

Angrily she drops her luggage on the floor and breezes past him making her way to their bedroom, once inside she slams the door. After taking a few deep breaths in the dark room she turns the light on to find an orderly room. She chuckles to herself just as Juice opens the door wearing a concerned look on his face.

"[Y/N], what's wrong? Did something happen?" He asks while reaching out to lay a hand on her arm.

"I asked you to do one thing Juan, one simple thing." She mutters as a lightbulb goes off in his head.

"It's not that bad, it'll be an easy clean up." Juice replies with a soft smile.

[Y/N]'s eyes widen in surprise as she reels in the anger that's threatening to spill forth, "an easy clean up? An easy clean up!? You know what, fuck you."

Genuine surprise crosses his face before it shifts into something that's a little hard for her to recognize, "well not with that attitude little girl."

"Pardon me?" She asks as she starts to backtrack.

Juice pushes the bedroom door closed, his game completely forgotten about. In one swift motion he grabs her by her waist and roughly pushes her against the dresser, items swaying precariously behind her.

"You heard me," he states as he leans in close, their lips almost touching, "not with that attitude."

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