Fun In The Maze [Happy Lowman]

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[Y/N] is practically buzzing with excitement as she pulls up to be garage to pick up Happy and a couple of the other guys. Her [e/c] eyes scan the parking lot until the land on Happy and Juice who finally acknowledge her presence. A huge smile breaks out across her face as she waves them over to where she's sitting, but it soon fades when Happy motions for her to hold on. 

Frantically she rolls the window down and leans out of it before yelling at the two of them, "Hey assholes get a move on, we don't have all night ya know!"

Happy turns towards Chibs and Tig while Juice flips her off, she returns the gesture with a smile before rolling up her window. With a low hum she leans back in her seat and fiddles with the tickets in the cup holder trying desperately to be patient. The passenger side door quickly opens startling her and causing her to jump and look over at Opie.

"Sup?" She questions at the teddy bear of a giant.

"Can you buy tickets there?" Opie questions as everyone else starts crowding around the car in an attempt to get in.

"Well you're in luck Ope I've got an extra ticket so climb on in and get situated." [Y/N] replies with a soft smile as Happy waits patiently for his brother to finish up.

"Awesome! Thanks [Y/N/N]." Opie replies as he takes claim to the passenger backseat. Tig and Juice pile in the back as well as Happy claims his rightful place next to [Y/N]. Once everyone is situated and buckled in she starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot excited to get on the road. The entire ride was consumed with random chit chat, playful banter and pranks pulled mostly by Juice. By the time [Y/N] pulled the car into the parking lot she was exhausted mentally and wanting to split off from the guys and enjoy some time with Happy.
As soon as everyone is out of the car she hands out he tickets and grabs Happy's hand and pulls him off towards the maze.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Tig calls after them as the rest of the guys burst out into laughter.

"Use protection!" Juice shouts a little too loud warning them weird looks as they disappear around the corner.

"You okay? Your cheeks are bright red." Happy mutters as he passes their tickets to the guy at the entrance. The teen punches a hole in the tickets and then passes them back to Happy before letting them pass.

"I-i'm fine, just really happy to be spending my event with you." [Y/N] replies with a soft smile as Happy pulls her into his chest, draping his arm over her shoulders.

"Same." Happy mumbles as they work their way deeper into the maze. About a half hour in they've gotten lost dozens of times, ran into Juice literally a couple of times and cursed themselves for not looking at the design. They round a corner and out of nowhere someone jumps in front of them wearing a clown mask.

It takes a moment for [Y/N] to register what's happening and before she can think clearly she screams and slams her fist into the clowns face. The guy falls backwards onto the ground groaning as Happy doubles over in laughter.

"What the actual fuck?!" [Y/N] screams and looks between the masked assailant and Happy, "did you plan this?"

"N-no I didn't even know he brought that damn thing along." Happy replies while trying to compose himself.

"Damn [Y/N], I think you broke my nose." The masked guy states as he pulls it off to reveal who he is.

"Well that's what your dumbass gets Tig. Have fun getting yourselves out of this hellhole." She replies before taking off in a random direction wanting nothing more than to leave after that bullshit.

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