Attitude [Chibs Telford]

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She narrows her [e/c] hues at him before placing her hands on her hips, "You listen here you Scottish prick, it's a simple request. It's not like i'm asking you to chop off your own bloody hand."

Chibs snorts before finishing off what little beer he had left in the bottle he was currently holding, "Don't give meh any attitude 'cause ya know I've got one of meh own."

"Thought that was one of my more appealing aspects, but seriously all you have to do is pick up the rings and make sure they make it to Jax." [Y/N] says while ticking off the aforementioned item on her fingers, "then swing by the bakery and choose between three different cake flavors."

"By bakery i'm assuming ya mean Gem's house?" Chibs questions which causes her to nod a furious yes as an answer to his question.

"That's all you have to do Chibby, just those two things." [Y/N] states as she runs her fingers through her [h/c] hair as a sly grin creeps across her Old Man"s face.

"Aye, I know, I just love given ya hell love." He replies as she chuckles softly.

"Right, if I didn't think I could handle your smartass I wouldn't have taken on the challenge all those years ago." She states before disappearing into the kitchen to get two new beers from the refrigerator. 

"Aye, match made in hell." Chibs mumbles to himself before chuckling knowing full well he wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.

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