T-Shirt [Jax Teller]

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With a low hum [Y/N] rolls over in bed as rays of sunshine seep through the blind and splash across her face. As her body collides with another a smile creeps across her face while she wraps her arms around her Old Man. In return Jax sleepily wraps his arms around her and pulls her as close to him as she can.

"Morning," he mutters softly.

"Good morning, do you have to be at the club early this morning?" [Y/N] questions as she presses a gentle kiss against his jaw.

Jax lets out a long sigh before looking down at her, "I think I can rearrange some things this morning, what did you have in mind?"

"Oh I don't know," [Y/N] mumbles as she pushes herself up into a sitting position before throwing her left leg over his waist so that she's now straddling him, "the boys are at grandmas so the fantasies can run as wild as we want."

Jax raises an eyebrow at her straightforwardness before tugging at the hem of the shirt she's currently wearing, "Well, firstly is this my lucky shirt?"

"Yes it is," she replies while slowly dragging her nails down his bare chest, "want it back?"

They never break eye contact as his breathing picks up, in a flash [Y/N] is lying on her back with Jax hovering above her. He leans down and hungrily captures her lips with his as his hand snakes up her left thigh, hunting.

"Oh no baby, you can keep it but for now I just want you naked." He states while vivaciously pulling the shirt up and over her head before latching onto one of her nipples.

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