Sleeping Together As One [Jax Teller]

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The sound of a motorcycle catches [Y/N]'s attention and draws her away from the kitchen for a brief moment. She pulls the back the curtain to see Jax pulling off his helmet and putting out a cigarette before making his way to the front door.

"Mommy, mommy look!" Abel states happily as he runs towards her carrying a very brightly colored fire truck.

[Y/N] quickly scoops him up and takes the photo from him just as Jax opens the front door and walks in, "Oh my how beautiful! This is definitely worthy of a frame."

"I agree, this is beautiful." Jax states as he closes the door and crosses the floor to meet them.

"Daddy!" Abel cries as Jax places a light kiss on his forehead.

"My, that is a masterpiece you've got there." Jax says as he takes the picture from [Y/N], "and how has your day been?"

She smiles softly and ushers him into the kitchen where a plate of food awaits, "My day has been great, now eat up while I put this big guy to bed."

Two story books later and Abel is fast asleep clutching his favorite teddy, [Y/N] turns the light off and pulls the door closed. Strong arms wind around her waist before they start guiding her towards the back bedroom.

"Thank you for the great meal, now i'm thinking about dessert." Jax mutters against her ear as he closed the door behind the two of them.

"Now that sounds like absolute fun." [Y/N] replies as she turns around in his arms and presses her lips against his as his hands slowly glide up under the hem of her shirt.

"Mommy I can't sleep, can I stay in here with you and daddy?" A sleepy voice questions from the doorway.

Jax and [Y/N] laugh softly before having Abel into the room where he climbs on the bed and settles between their pillows. The two of them quickly change into the lie sleep clothes and climb into bed making sure to sandwich Abel between the two of them. Abel falls fast asleep soon after the light is shut off, but it takes a while for [Y/N] to drift off, that is until Jax starts running his fingers through her hair.

"I love you." She mumbles through half lidded eyes.

"I love you too." He replies.

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