Huh? [Chibs Telford]

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Lyla could be pretty convincing when she wanted to be, hell that's how she managed to get [Y/N] to the clubhouse for a party. Besides other than watering her garden she didn't really have anything else to do in He first place so why not go have some fun, maybe. As she nears the packed clubhouse she's greeted with loud music and heavily intoxicated individuals. Her eyes roam the floor looking for her friend but she turns up empty handed so she makes her way to the bar.

Once she's settled in she flags down Half-Sack, "Can I get a beer please, or two?"

"Sure thing, gimme just a second." Half-Sack replies as he disappears into the back hallway clearly needing more booze. In the meantime she scans the bar and finally lays eyes on her friend who happily waves from her seat next to Opie.

[Y/N] laughs lightly just as Half-Sack returns with her beers, "Thanks!"

"No problem." He replies before sliding on down the bar. Movement to her left causes her to glance over only to find Chibs, or at least she thinks it's the Scottish man. To be fair Lyla only introduced her to everyone once and she was more acquainted with Opie and Jax.

"Fancy meeting you here doll." The man says to her in a smooth, Scottish accent nailing down her suspicions.

"Been a while Chibs, how ya been?" [Y/N] asks as she polishes off a fair amount of her drink. Chibs does the same thing to the one he's holding before leaning back to get a better look at her.

"Good, good. How have you been?" Chibs replies in a low tone making it next to impossible to hear what he has said.

"Great!" She shouts back hoping the answer is sufficient enough for him. Chibs nods in agreement before motioning for another beer obviously already very hammered. Half-Sack slides him another just as she finishes her original beer and readies herself for her second.

Chibs knocks back half of his new bottle before continuing the semi fluent conversation, "Are you seeing anyone?"

[Y/N] begins to panic since she can't make out what he asks and begins desperately looking for a translator. On the other side of Chibs she spies Juice and furiously tries to catch his attention, but fails.

"No!" She replies hoping to whatever God that was overseeing this shit show was being fair.

"Would you like to go out sometime?" Chibs also yet again as he wobbles on his seat, his alcohol taking a hefty toll.

"She'd love to Chibs!" Lyla shouts at him as she magically appears by [Y/N]'s side. Deep down she's happy for the intervention but shocked at what she told Chibs.

He doesn't reply and instead lifts his bottle into the air and shimmies away to get into some form of trouble. Lyla takes his seat and flashes her a huge smile as [Y/N] works on her drink.

"I'm assuming he just asked me out didn't he?" [Y/N] questions while eyeing her friend.

"Oh yeah and when he sobers up I'll make the arrangements for the two of you." Lyla replies as [Y/N] sighs heavily before breaking out into laughter.

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