Every Time [Chibs Telford]

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Date night, a nonnegotiable evening spent eating a fancy meal and watching a movie together as a couple. Well, that's [Y/N]'s definition of date night, Chibs on the other hand was just the opposite. He'd prefer to stay home, order takeout and watch reruns of classic television shows. In order to make sure she inevitably gets to have said date night she starts sweet talking him early in the week.

That's exactly what she did earlier in the week and shockingly after a brutal week for the club he said yes. Chibs even went out of his way this time around, he splurged and made reservations at her favorite restaurant.

[Y/N] glances up from her menu and across the table at Chibs, "this is lovely, thank you baby."

"Yer very welcome love," He replies softly as a cheeky grin spreads across his face, "like the seating arrangements?"

Before she can reply a light breeze breaks through the outdoor patio ruffling menus, napkins, clothes and hair. A laugh escapes her as she adjusts the strands of hair that have blown into her face.

"It's absolutely fantastic, how'd you manage one of these tables considering they go fast?" [Y/N] She replies softly as the waitress stops by their table to in order to deliver their drinks.

"Are you two ready to order or would you like a couple of more minutes?" The waitress questions as she carefully placed each glass on the table.

"A couple of more minutes please." [Y/N] states with a warm smile which is returned by the waitress who then moves along to the next table. The table falls silent once more as the two of them begin consulting their menus once more. For some reason she glances up and looks around the patio before focusing on a car parked awfully close to the restaurant.

She starts to open her mouth in order to mention it to Chibs but before she can she sees the moonlight glint off of what she assumes is a gun barrel. [Y/N] forcefully pushes her chair back jostling the table as she leaps towards Chibs just as several gunshots break through the night. The two of them crash to the ground as chaos erupts around them as people flee from the armed assailant.

Amongst the shouting [Y/N] can hear tires squealing as Chibs grabs her face, "Lass are you okay?"

"I-I think so?" [Y/N] replies as she pulls away from Chibs in order to check herself over, her heart sinking as she realizes that she's bleeding.

Chibs notices this as well and very quickly pulls her to her feet and drags her inside the restaurant so that they can better assess the wound. As they enter the restaurant an employee rushes over to help and as they check the area out they find that it's only a graze on her shoulder.

"Ya saved my life love," Chibs mumbles as cop cars begin to litter the street out front. [Y/N] laughs lightly as she takes one of the napkins from a nearby table in hopes of stopping the bleeding.

"Would do it every time it that's what it comes to." [Y/N] replies as Chibs wraps his arms around her, pulling her into his chest.

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