If Looks Could Kill [Juice Ortiz]

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Trick or Treat?
Prompt: "I'm scared, hold my hand."
Rating: SFW
Warnings: None
If looks could kill there'd be two dead bodies lying on the doorstep at Gemma's feet and Jax would be tasked to clean the mess. Instead she shifts her stern gaze from Juice to [Y/N] and then back again before shaking her head, obviously displeased.

"I asked for you to bring one thing, one simple thing and now everything is falling apart." Gemma says sharply, her eyes boring into [Y/N]'s eyes, "I understand it's been a long week for everyone, but this party is for the kids. It's supposed to be something fun, something to take the edge off."

[Y/N] takes a shaky breath just as Jax comes slinking up behind them carrying a box labeled "party ware." He stops short and slowly takes in the situation before a goofy smile breaks out across his face, "giving them the third degree already? They didn't forget anything, [Y/N]'s pregnant after all, wouldn't want her to break her back lugging this huge box around now would we?"

Gemma narrows her eyes as [Y/N] fumbles around desperately trying to find Juices hand, "My apologies, Juice help [Y/N] inside and find her a comfortable spot to relax in and I'll go fetch you a glass of tea." The three of them watch her scurry away to the kitchen, a completely different attitude about her.

"It's like flipping a light switch, come on in you two." Jax states with a laugh as he wiggles past the two who are just struck with awe.

"Hold my hand Juice, I'm scared." [Y/N] mumbles as they slowly make their way inside the house.

"Me too baby, me too." Juice replies as he guides [Y/N] inside.

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