Bubble Santa Beards [Juice Ortiz]

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[E/C] eyes scour the shelves of her bathroom trying to decide on which bubble bath mixture to use for the night. They land on one of her favorite mixes and she quickly pulls the square bottle filled with a vibrant pink soap from the shelf. She turns back towards the tub only to find a smiling Juice sitting there quietly waiting.

"Hey." She says with a small smile.

"Hey, do you mind if I join?" He questions while motioning her forward so that he can place his hands on her hips.

[Y/N] leans down and presses her lips against his forehead before replying, "Absolutely baby."

He nods before standing and stepping around her so that she can start the water. She puts the stopper I. The drain and turns the hot water on before popping open the cap of the bubble bath. As the water fills the tub she squeezes the bottle and counts to seven before recapping the bottle and returning it to the shelf. Her eyes wander over to Juice who's already stripped half naked as she quickly begins pulling off her own clothes.

Making quick work of her pants [Y/N] can hear Juice splash some as he climbs into the tub, once her clothes are kicked to the side she turns to look at him.

"Comfy?" She asks as she eases herself over the edge of the tub.

"I'll be better once you're in here." Juice replies as he takes her hand so that she can sit down between his legs.

She sinks into the warm water as the bubbles continue to grow higher and higher around them. After a few more seconds she shuts the water off and leans back against Juice who happily wraps his arms around her.

"Bad day?" [Y/N] murmurs softly while tracing circles on his arm.

"Something like that," Juice replies as he places a soft kiss on her shoulder.

"Well, let's see if I can make the day better yeah?" She questions while scooping up a handle of bubbles and smearing it on his face creating a bubble beard.

Juice laughs before doing the same thing to her, "Trust me, it's already better."

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