Christmas Fort [Juice Ortiz]

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Even with the heater cranked to the highest setting [Y/N] was still chilled to the bone. She glances over at Juice who's sleeping soundly wrapped in one of the fluffiest blankets in the apartment. With careful skill she pulls and tugs the corner of the blanket free and pulls it from his body and quickly wraps it around herself.

If someone were to walk in they'd find her with her knees pulled to her chest and several blankets wrapped around her body and her head. A snort from Juice startles her from her train of thought as he rolls over groping the bed for his missing blanket.

"Hey, what ya doing there?" Juice mumbles as he rolls over to look at her.

[Y/N] turns her head to look at him, the blankets moving with her, "oh you know, trying to stay warm."

"I'm starting to think you're catching the flu baby." Juice replies as he wiggles closer to her in search of warmth.

"Nah, just needed warmth is all." She replies happily as he wraps his arms around her legs and nuzzles his face into her hip before drifting back to sleep. Not too long after that she begins to warm up and get comfortable as well.

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