Good Girl [Opie Winston]

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Ever since she could remember [Y/N] and Opie were inseparable from each other. It wasn't a friendship that was frowned on, Hell Bobby-her father- and Piney pretty much made sure it worked out. Eventually everyone started to pair them up in a romantic way and the two of them finally caved and went on a date. One date turned to three and before they knew what hit them they were both wrapped around each other's fingers and madly in love.

In fact they are currently closing in on their two year anniversary and they couldn't be happier. Aside from their occasional spat the relationship was looking up and there was talk of marriage.

"Ope don't forget about dinner at Gemma's house tonight, I'll have to meet you there." [Y/N] shouts down the hallway while pulling on her jacket.

"Double shift?" Opie shouts back as he stumbles out into the hallway with one pants leg on and the other trailing behind him. [Y/N] smiles happily and scurries down the hallway to where he's standing.

She places a hand on his cheek before planting a kiss on his lips, "no double shift today, regular hours."

"Good, do you want me to pick up anything from the store to help Gemma out?" Opie questions as he tugs on the other pant leg before pulling her closer to him by the hips.

[Y/N] clicks her tongue while in thought before shaking her head no, "Nah, Gemma didn't ask for anything extra this time so we should be set."

"Alright then, you'd better run along before you're late." Opie replies before kissing her forehead and spinning her around. He gently pushes her forward towards the door before patting her on the ass which causes her to laugh.

On her way out she picks up her day bag before looking back over her shoulder to find Opie leaning against the doorframe. She waves at him before closing the door behind her ready to get the workday over and done with. In fact the day does go by extraordinarily fast and just before sunset she is pulling into Gemma's driveway.

As she walks to the front door she stifles a hefty yawn and goes to ring the doorbell. However, before she can the door is flung open and she's pulled into a bear hug by her father.

"There she is, the woman of the hour!" Bobby cries out in joy, confusing [Y/N] until she catches sight of Piney just inside the door.

"Hey dad, I see you've been dipping into Clay's good stuff." She replies while returning his hug.

"Yeah, well I need you to be dipping into the gene pool and making me some grandbabies." Bobby replies as the two of them walk inside only for [Y/N] to be pulled in for another hug.

"There's my future daughter, how was work today?" Piney questions just as Opie walks out of the dining room.

"Are you two old men going to hoard my beautiful girl or can I have some time with her?" Opie asks as he walks up to the three of them wearing a huge grin.

"What type of time?" Bobby questions while crossing his arms over his chest.

Piney nods his head in agreement as he adjust the oxygen flow, "yeah, what kind of time? Proposal time or baby time?"

Opie and [Y/N] look from one another while awkwardly shifting around until Piney and Bobby break out in laughter. Bobby presses a kiss on [Y/N]'s cheek before the two old guys head back into the dining room.

"Well those two can certainly make anything awkward." [Y/N] murmurs as Opie crosses the floor and wraps her in a tight hug.

He sets his chin on top of her head, "true, but I have been thinking. Let's finally get hitched and give your pop some kids."

"You sure?" [Y/N] questions while running her hands up and along his chest.

"Absolutely, I've been meaning to pop the question for a while now anyway." Opie replies as a gasp can be heard from the hallway. The two pull apart and turn to find Gemma wearing this huge grin. 

"About damned time you two!" She cries out in glee before rushing over to them in order to hug them.

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