Same Page [Happy Lowman]

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[Y/N] closes the car door behind her and hops up the steps of Happy's temporary safe house. Just as she goes to knock on the door a muffled scream reaches her ears, panicking she begins pounding on the locked front door.

"Happy! Yo Happy you home?!" [Y/N] yells loudly while leaning heavily on the door hoping that the door in question would give way to her weight.

Suddenly the door opens causing her to stumble into a rather firm chest, "Damn girl, do you want the whole world to know i'm here?!"

Righting herself she looks at her friend and slowly begins to notice speckles of blood coating his gray shirt, "My bad, wasn't sure if you were home or not. Horror movies again? Heard some screams coming from the TV."

"Something like that." Happy replies before loosely grabbing her arm and pulling her inside the house. Once inside he quietly beckons her to follow him down to the basement. As she steps off the staircase she catches sight of a bagged figure strapped to a chair.

"Happy..." [Y/N] starts but stops as the individual groans.

"I know, I know. Our agreement lies with disposal, not the actual crime." Happy stated as he glances over at her, "this idiot tried breaking into my mom's home."

"Could have called me afterwards though!" She hisses loudly while motioning towards the person.

"Okay, okay just making sure we're on the same page little girl."  Happy says nonchalantly before placing a quick kiss on her forehead, "there's some food upstairs, make yourself at home."

"Wait a minute, same page? Happy we're not even in the same library!" [Y/N] states earning a fake chuckle from him. Throwing her arms in the air she climbs the stairs and disappears into kitchen until she was needed.

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