Welcome Home [Happy Lowman]

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If had been a long nine months for [Y/N], before being deployed she was able spend a little time with Happy but not a lot. She also wasn't given a lot of time to say goodbye to her father-Tig- who was extremely upset that she was leaving. So when she got back to Charming she ended up spending an entire day with Tig and catching up on things that she missed.

After what seems like forever she's able to break away from Tig in order to see her Old Man. As soon as she walks through the front door of their apartment she's engulfed in a massive hug. [Y/N] happily returns the hug as Happy begins littering any skin he can find with kisses. Out in the real world Happy is known as a cold blooded killer, but behind closed doors he lets that facade down.

"God I've missed you," Happy says as he pulls away just enough to look at her face. He takes notice of a few more frown lines than what she had before she left, but ultimately he brushes it off.

"No, I've missed you." [Y/N] replies with a large grin before tugging him towards the bedroom, "so much in fact that you've been all I've been able to think about for hours."

"Oh, is that so?" Happy questions as they enter the bedroom where [Y/N] pulls her shirt over her head. Happy watches her closely and his eyes instantly land on some already healed and healing wounds. He steps forward and let's his hands fall onto her hips before tracing his thumbs over some of the scars.

[Y/N] smiles softly, "They're not terrible, most of them didn't hurt."

"They shouldn't be here period."Happy grumbles lowly before pulling her into yet another hug, "never again."

"I love you Happy Lowman." She mumbles into his neck.

"I'm still pissed [Y/N], we will finish this conversation after our little romp." Happy replies before he gently pushes her onto the bed before stripping out of his own shirt.

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