Sunburn [Juice Ortiz]

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When [Y/N] fucks up it typically doesn't bother her, but this time she royally fucked up and she regrets not listening to her friends. While the sun is pretty and helps things grow, if one is not careful it can light skin a blaze and make a person very uncomfortable. In an attempt to get comfortable and not irritate her fiery red skin any more than it already is [Y/N] takes a cool shower. Once out of the shower she carefully pulls on her underwear and a pair of shorts taking great caution to not touch her legs.

"Sunscreen for life." She groans out while heading to the bedroom where she already has painkillers and ocean potion waiting. Before she can even sit down on the bed the front door bangs open signaling Juices return from his run.

She can hear him slam the door, drop his bags and scramble down the hallway, "Baby! You up?"

Before she can reply to Juice he comes running into the bedroom ready to pounce on her. The look that crosses her face causes him to freeze in his tracks and hover close to the door in case he needs to escape.

"Juan Carlos Ortiz if you so much as touch my legs I'll end you." [Y/N] growls out, pain evident on her face.

"What happened?" Juice questions, worry present in his voice.

"My dumbass didn't listen to anybody while at the beach and I got fried." She replies, her [e/c] eyes dropping to her stinging legs, "it hurts so bad."

Juice clicks his tongue and shakes his head before walking over to where she's sitting. He picks up the ocean potion bottle and unscrews the cap and squeezes a blob out onto his hand.

"Gonna take care of you baby, just lay back and relax." Juice states while gently pushing her backwards onto the bed.

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