Kiss At Midnight [Jax Teller]

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With the work day winding down [Y/N] leaves work with several gift bags and climbs into her car set on heading home. As she pulls onto the highway she pulls out her phone and dials Jax's cellphone number in hopes the boys are still up.

Jax answers with a light laugh meant for someone else, "hey baby you almost home?"

"Yeah, I was just calling to see if the boys might still be up so that I can wish them goodnight." [Y/N] states as she comes to a stop at a stop sign.

"Mom just put them both down, i'm sorry baby." Jax replies, "I can wake them up if you want."

"No, no that's fine I can see them when I get home." She states as she continues on her way, "tell Gemma in very grateful for all that's she's done."

"Of course baby, be careful and i'll see you when you get here." Jax says.

"See you shortly." [Y/N] replies before ending the call and tucking her phone back into her jacket pocket. After a twenty minute drive filled with Christmas music she finally pulls into the driveway. Once the car is shut off and she's got the bags in hand she heads inside and places those bags under the tree.

As she walks towards the kitchen two warm arms wrap around her waist trapping her under the mistletoe hanging there. She laughs lightly and turns towards Jax who is sporting a huge toothy grin.

"Hey you, welcome home." He states while pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Thank you," [Y/N] states just as the clock in the hallway strikes midnight, "now kiss me Mr. Teller."

"Yes ma'am." He replies while pressing his lips against hers as they kiss into Christmas Day.

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