Relapse [Juice Ortiz]

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Tears well up in [Y/N]'s eyes as she desperately searches the apartment for the one thing that can ease the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion. Deep down inside she knows that it won't truthfully help anything but everything with the club and Juice just finally takes its toll on her. She comes to a sliding halt in the bathroom and climbs up onto the toilet where she fumbles to get the vent cover off. Once she has access to the vent she pulls out an amber colored bag, hopping down from the toilet she makes a beeline to the bedroom where she collapses on the bed.

Her breathing picks up as she opens up the bag and pulls out an empty syringe, "I'm so sorry Juice."

With a firm shake of the bag a small amber vial rolls out and falls into her hand which she then lifts up to eye level. She studies the vial carefully before gently shaking it in order to make sure there was something in it which there is. [Y/N] shakes a tourniquet from the bag next and rolls the sleeve of her shirt up so that she has better access. As she ties the tourniquet around her arm she momentarily thinks back on the moment she met Juice and how he dedicated so much of his time to get her clean.

Just as quickly as the happy thoughts come, the bad ones push them away- the murder, threats, everything. [Y/N] picks up the vial and syringe, she tucks the syringe cap in between her lips and pulls until the needle is free. As she slips the needle into the vial her hands begin to shake uncontrollably forcing her to close her yes and take a deep breath.

"I-I'm so sorry," she mutters softly as she opens her eyes and draws up the correct amount of dilaudid, pretty much emptying the vial. [Y/N] turns her attention to the arm that has the tourniquet on it, a nice vein already showing itself. A low sob escapes her as she effortlessly slips the needle through her skin and into the vein, she carefully aspirates back to double check. Once blood fills the hub of the needle she slowly administers the dilaudid until there is nothing left and she pulls the needle out. She casts it to the side and bends her arm at the elbow in an attempt to stop the bleeding loosening the tourniquet as she goes.

First thing that [Y/N] feels is extreme drowsiness which forces her to fall back onto the bed, but of course the quick movement has consequences. The moment her back hits the bed she's rolling to the side as the contents of her stomach forcibly come up and splatter onto the floor. She dry heaves for a moment or two before rolling back over as her eyelids become heavy, sleep quickly taking over. As she drifts off the front door bangs open signaling that Juice is home, he shuffles into the apartment calling out for her.

He of course gets no response and begins to frantically search the apartment for [Y/N]. The moment he steps into the bedroom and sees her lying on the bed, the tourniquet and baggie a few inches away his world stops.

"[Y/N]!" Juice shouts as he rushes over to her placing his ear against her chest in order to check for a heartbeat. It was there, slow but there he takes notice to her slow respiratory rate as he pulls her up from the bed. Juice cradles her into his chest as he maneuvers her into the bathroom climbing into the tub with her. He turns the water on setting it to cold as he flips the knob up onto shower, within seconds cold water spills forth coating the two of them.

"Come on," Juice sobs as he rubs her cheeks furiously trying to rouse her from the opiate induced sleep, "Damn it! Come on [Y/N], don't you do this shit now!"

A low groan creep up from [Y/N] as she slowly opens her eyes as she slowly realizes where she's at. She rolls her head to the side to look at Juice who's staring down at her, hurt clearly evident in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," [Y/N] mumbles lowly, the sound of the running water almost drowning out her voice, "i'm so sorry Juice."

He scoffs loudly, pulling her closer to him, "Sorry? Instead of leaning on your fucking crutch you should have talked to me!"

Juices words strike her hard across the face, her sobriety and his trust slipping down the drain. A shiver runs up her spine and Juice reaches around her to cut the water off.

"I didn't know if talking to you would help." [Y/N] states, "you've already got so much on your plate. The club comes first."

"Bullshit!" Juice snaps, "regardless of what's going on with the club if you feel like you're gonna slip talk to me! We've had this agreement for months now, you've always been so honest with me."

Tears once more well up in [Y/N]'s eyes and spill over, "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry. Please just give me another chance."

"You think i'm gonna give up on you that easily? You're highly mistaken [Y/N], we've got you clean once we'll do it again." Juice states as he helps her up from the tub so that the two of them can change into dry clothes, "just talk to me baby, that's all I ask. Next time you feel the urge to take a hit talk to me."

[Y/N] nods furiously as Juice guides her to the bedroom where he begins peeling her wet clothes off first.

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