Start At The Beginning [Happy Lowman] 2/12

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Prompt: it's been a long time since I've felt the way I do.
Rating: SFW
Warnings: None, still fluffy and domesticated Happy.
Notes: italics still represent flashbacks or the "fairytale" being told to the kids.
Small fits of giggling off to her right stirs [Y/N] from the deep slumber that's blanketed her exhausted mind. [Y/N] knows better than to open her eyes when she wants to sleep in just a little longer so she opens them just a little bit. The sight before her warms her heart and she suddenly wants to announce her presence to the room, but she holds back a little longer. A few feet away from her Happy is brushing the twins hair and attaching bows here and there while they're attention is focused on the tv and their breakfast.

"Not so hard daddy!" Lei exclaims quietly as her bowl of cereal sloshed up and onto the bed.

"Sorry baby girl." Happy mumbles as he finishes off the braid he's working on with a purple bow, "now what would my two precious angels like to do today?"

"Can we go to the park?" Cora questions as Lei carefully placed her now empty bowl on the bedroom floor, "Abel is supposed to be there."

"But I wanna play dress up!" Lei shouts back which causes Happy to counter with shushing in an attempt to keep from waking [Y/N].

Happy takes a moment to mull over his choices, "I don't see why we can't do both."

From where she's laying [Y/N] can see the girls eyes go wide and their faces light up as they try desperately to contain their excitement. Happy ushers then off the bed and to their room to get dressed leaving her to drift back off into a light sleep. It's unclear how much time passes between them leaving and Happy returning, but she can feel the bed shift next to her and smell the cologne that Happy wears.

"Did you finally fall back to sleep or are you still playing possum?" Happy questions as he gently brushes a few stray hairs away from her cheek.

[Y/N] mumbles lowly and rolls towards him before cracking open an eye to look at him, "well I was asleep until you woke me and accused me of playing possum."

Happy doesn't necessarily laugh but [Y/N] does see the corner of his mouth twitch upwards as if he was going to crack a smile. "I'm going to take the girls to the park for a little bit, packed sandwiches for lunch and we'll be back home mid afternoon for a fashion show."

"You judging or strutting?" [Y/N] questions while patting Happy on the knee, "either way one of us will be highly impressed."

"I'll be judging them, but strutting for you later on." Happy replies as he leans down and presses a firm but loving kiss on [Y/N]'s forehead, "you still got the Valentine's Day ensemble you wore for me?"

For a brief moment [Y/N]'s cheeks flush red but she collects herself and puts on a very mischievous smile, "why of course I do."

"Good, good. I'll see you later, stay out of trouble." He states as he slips off the bed and disappears down the hallway. She can hear the girls break out into laughter as they exit the house and start their daily adventure. As much as [Y/N] wants to stay in bed and snooze she knows that there's a lot tidying up that needs to be done. So after a few more moments of lying in bed and staring at the window that's letting in just enough sun to light up the room she kicks the covers away.

For the longest [Y/N] doesn't bother getting dressed in daytime clothes which seems to help speed the process along. She started at the front of the house and worked her way back and the last room on the list to clean before showering is the girls room. [Y/N] barely makes it a foot into the room before stepping on what she can only hope is a bear trap. Pain shoots up her foot as she hobbles around the room until she gets the chance to lean against the wall and inspect her foot. She gingerly lifts her foot and imbedded in her tender flesh is a tiny blue LEGO block.

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