Welcome To Charming [Chibs Telford]

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As soon as [Y/N] stepped into Charming she knew her travels were over, she had finally reached her destination. But it wasn't the small welcoming town that she stayed for, no it was the Scottish smooth talker that she stayed for. When [Y/N] originally net Chibs she wanted absolutely nothing to do with the man, but after several parties and a few glasses of whiskey she couldn't quit him.

The two of them were attached at the hip and were madly in love with marriage looming in the headlights. After months of house shopping the two of them finally settled on a small two story home that is close enough to the club and [Y/N]'s work. Everything was going perfectly until that one fateful day when the doorbell rang and [Y/N] opened her front door.

There standing on the front porch was her family-mom, dad and her fucking ex. [Y/N] goes to close the door but someone stuffs their foot in between the door and frame keeping it open.

"Honey, won't you invite us in?" [Y/M/N] asks from the other side of the door. [Y/N] rolls her eyes and curses under her breath before glancing over at the clock on the wall making a mental note that Chibs would be home soon.

"Fine, but this better not take long." [Y/N] replies begrudgingly as she opens the door wider so that they can enter. The three of them enter the house and almost instantly they begin to snoop around without actually touching anything. She roughly slams the door behind her and stalks after them wanting to keep them contained in the living room.

"This is... nice." Her mother states as she slowly takes in the decor. [Y/N] hovers close to her father who seems to be off in his thoughts obviously not worried about the situation in front of him.

"Thanks," she mumbles lowly, "what do you want?"

"To bring you home of course!" Her mother chimes out happily as her ex begins fumbling about with some of the photos, "besides it's height time you and [Y/Ex/N] settle down and get married."

"Excuse me?" [Y/N] questions, her hands landing on her hips anger bubbling to the surface.

"He seems boring compared to me, really babe come home." [Y/Ex/N] states as he drops the picture on the ground, the glass breaking on contact. [Y/N] grinds her teeth in an attempt to keep herself calm wanting nothing more for them to disappear.

"No, i'm not going back to that shit hole and i'm certainly not running back to your abusive, shit stain self." [Y/N] tells angrily while motioning towards her ex, the smirk on his face falling.

Her mother's head whips around, "Grow up [Y/N], we've given you everything and even landed you a huge investment with his family. All you have to do is suck it up and put your big girl panties on and stop your goddamn whining."

"So instead of being an actual fucking parent you're condoning abuse and trying to force me into a situation I don't want?" She questions, tears pricking her eyes as the frustration begins to boil over.

"Abuse?" Her mother questions as she turns towards [Y/N], "So you got a little tipsy and crossed the line, he just eased you back in even it meant getting a little handsy."

"I-I... that might be your thing, but I'll be damned if it becomes mine." [Y/N] replies sharply, "now, get the fuck out of my house."

Her mother scoffs while walking around the coffee table, "honey were not going anywhere unless you climb into that SUV and come home."

"No, I think you better get out, now." A familiar, yet soothing and deep Scottish voice fills the room. [Y/N] turns to find Chibs standing behind her along with Jax and Juice.

"Very well, but his isn't over." Her mother states as the three of them begin their exit. As they move towards the door Jax intercepts them and Chibs moves in closer.

"Come here again and it'll be the last trip for you." Chibs whispers harshly as Juice opens the door for them, "now get the fuck out."

"We'll see." Her mother replies as they exit the home followed by Jax and Juice leaving Chibs and [Y/N] alone. As soon as the door closes Chibs wraps [Y/N] in a hug as tears begin to roll down her cheeks.

"Thank you," She mumbles softly.

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