Dare [Chibs Telford]

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"Truth or dare?" Juice asks as [Y/N] takes a sip of her beer as the two of them stay perched at the table they're sharing.

"Truth," [Y/N] replies as Rat drop off two more beers at the table as the rest of the club sits at the bar talking amongst themselves.

"Okay, okay," Juice says as he pops the top off his new bottle, "is it true that you like Chibs, you know like-like."

[Y/N] narrows her eyes at Juice who only responds with a smile, knowing full well how you feel about the Scottish man, "You know damned well how I feel about Chibs Juice, you've tried how many times to set me up with the man. Truth or dare?"

Juice chuckles before replying, "Dare."

"Alright, I dare you to chug your bottle of beer." [Y/N] states as she pops the top off of her own beer.

"Ha! Too easy [Y/N], step your game up." Juice replies as he puts the bottle to his lips and downs the whole thing without any trouble at all. She chuckles a bit herself as her eyes wander past her friend to Chibs who is eyeing the two of them while wearing his own smile.

"Truth or dare?" Juice asks as he sucks in a deep breath and slams the bottle on the table.

"Dare." [Y/N] mumbles, her thoughts racing to other places.

"Oh shit, I've got a good one for you." Juice states as he leans across the table towards her as a big ass grin slinks across his face, "I dare you to go and kiss Chibs."

The dare catches her off guard, "What?"

"You heard me, go kiss Chibs unless you're a chicken." Juice replies while making a low clucking sound. Her hand tightens around the bottle sitting in front of her as she begins to way the pros and cons of what she's about to do. She slides the bottle away from her and pushes away from the table, one with one last glance at Juice she walks over to Chibs.

"Having fun with Juice?" Chibs questions as [Y/N] leans against the bar.

"Something like that," she says before quickly leaning over and pressing her lips against his, pulling away she adjusts his kutte and pats his chest, "now I'm having a lot more fun."

Turning she walks away from Chibs as her cheeks turn a bright red, as she passes the table where Juice sits she flips him off which earns her a smile. [Y/N] exits the clubhouse without realizing Chibs is following her and missing some of the guys cheering and wolf whistling.

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