Colors [Tig Trager]

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If she had to describe what she was feeling at that exact moment she could sum it up into one word: suspicion. Now, [Y/N] trusted Tigger with her life, but when it came to her weed, well that was another story altogether. Crinkling the bag in her hand her [e/c] eyes follow after her close friend and sometimes lover as he gathers snacks for their hopefully good trip.

"Tig, are you sure this is some good shit? I mean I know Juice got it for you, but you know." [Y/N] questions as she glances back down at the bag in her hand.

He closes the cabinet door a little too hard before turning to look at her, "Babe, if Juice says the shit is good, then the shit is good."

"Okay, okay, relax you know how I am."  She replies before dipping out of the kitchen and making a beeline for the couch. Tig follows close behind with an assortment of snacks and drinks that will hopefully get them through the night.

He drops the goodies on the coffee table and plops down beside [Y/N], he lets out a sigh before making a grabby hand. [Y/N] chuckles softly and drops the baggy in his hand and as quick as lightning he grinds, preps and lights the blunt. While Tig takes a long drag of the lint [Y/N] turns the TV on to some random show in hopes of it keeping them occupied. Tig passes the blunt to [Y/N] who brings it up to her lips and takes a deep inhale, she watches the end flicker a little before exhaling the smoke.

The two of them continue to pass the blunt back and forth as the high becomes more and more apparent. Between the two of them a pack of Oreos have been demolished and a bag of chips were on the way out. All of a sudden the TV flashes brightly and a woman begins screaming excitedly about some type of dress she's trying to sell.

"The hell she talking about that damn dress is gold!" Tig shouts at the TV before shoving a handful of chips into his mouth and washing it down with a swig of beer.

"What? Gold? Have you lost your damned mind, the dress is blue." [Y/N] replies while motioning towards the TV.

Tig looks away from the TV and over to her before looking back at the TV and taking another drag of the blunt, "This shit is good."

"I mean, we all see colors differently." [Y/N] mumbles as she accepts the blunt from Tig and takes a long drag.

"Mm, you'd look good in that dress," Tig states.

"Nah."  She replies, "not my color."

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