Trick or Treat [Juice Ortiz]

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[Y/N] frantically searches through the cabinets for an opened bag of candy all the while cruising Juice to the deepest part of hell. As she opens the last cabinet she lets out an exasperated sigh and leans her forehead against the door, there's no more candy.

"You just had to get into the candy before Halloween huh Juice?" [Y/N] mumbles lowly as the doorbell begins to chime once more as more trick or treaters arrive, "just a moment!"

A thought suddenly occurs to her and she drops down on her knees and begins to rifle through one of the drawers. Her [e/c] eyes light up when she finds Juice's personal stash of candy and other items. [Y/N] quickly sorts through some of his edibles making sure to set them aside so that she doesn't mix them and the regular candy up. She yanks the box from the drawer and scurries to the door just as the doorbell chimes yet again. After filling up goodie bags she turns the porch light off and heads back into the kitchen where a devious plan begins to hatch.

"I'll teach you to eat all of the candy." [Y/N] mumbles to herself as she scoops up the edibles and hides them in an empty box of oatmeal. She pushes it back into its original spot on the counter and grabs a couple of beers from the refrigerator before settling down on the couch.

About halfway through the horror movie playing Juice enters the house, places a chaste kiss on her forehead and disappears into the kitchen. [Y/N] chuckles to herself once she hears the drawer open and Juice rummage through it looking for his goods. The drawer slams shut and things start rattling around and clicking as he searches relentlessly.

"Son of a bitch!" Juice shouts from the kitchen which startles [Y/N] from the couch.

"What's wrong?" She questions as she enters the kitchen to find Juice pacing the floor.

"Where the fuck are they [Y/N]?" He shouts at her, his eyes boring into her own.

"Where's what?" She replies while trying desperately to hide the grin trying to break out across her face.

"The goddamn edibles [Y/N]! Ohmyfuck!" Juice screams as he knocks one of the kitchen chairs over. Not wanting to deal with his outburst any longer she walks over to the box of oatmeal and grabs it up.

"Relax you big dope." [Y/N] states as she shoves it into his arms and walks down the hall to their shared bedroom, "trick or treat!"

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