Bikini [Juice Ortiz]

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[Y/N] stares apprehensively at the swimsuit shop in front of her before letting out a low sigh and pushing through with her original mission- purchase a bikini. Now, [Y/N] knows she's not the tiniest woman in the world and has some fluff on her body so when it comes to buying a bikini she's truly stepping out of her comfort zone. As soon as she crosses the threshold though, she suddenly wishes Juice had never talked her into buying one.

From the front of the shop to the back there were rows upon rows upon rows of both mens, womens and childrens swimwear. Ever so slowly she begins to parooze through the rows of womens suits before she comes to a stop in the section she deems perfect for her. Within a flash she has picked out a couple of swimsuits to try on and begins searching for a changing room. After a few seconds of searching she lays eyes on the rooms and slips into one, but as soon as she goes to pull her top over her head her cell phone chirps away.

She pulls her phone from her bag and finds that Juice has already started the onslaught of texts that he had promised.

"Find one yet?"
"I bet you look down right delectable."

At the last text she snorts loudly before pulling her clothes off so that she can try on the swimsuits. The first one didn't really fit the way she wanted so she quickly pulls that one off and tries on another, this one she found to be really form fitting. It consists of a blue bandeau top and a high cut bottom, simple, but workable for her. A light bulb goes off in her head and she quickly snaps a photo and texts it to Juice to see if it meets her approval.

"Well? Do you like it?" [Y/N] adds on when Juice doesn't reply right away.

She waits a few more moments before pulling the swimsuit off and pulling her normal street clothes back on, then the chirp comes through.

"Buy it, that's the one."
"You look so hot."

[Y/N] laughs lightly as she returns the unwanted suit and makes her way to the counter to purchase it. While she's walking up to the front she quickly texts Juice back, her confidence growing.

"You do realize that you just called me hot right?" she states.

After purchasing the swimsuit she exits the store and heads back to her car in hopes of beating him home so that she can put on a show for him.

"You're damn right I did, because you are."
"You're hot."
"You're beautiful."
"And if you say anything otherwise, no more cuddles."
Authors note: Italics represent text messages.

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