Summertime Sadness [Tig Trager]

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From the moment she left that small backwoods town [Y/N] has kept one eye open every time her head hits the pillow while also keeping a close lookout over her shoulder. She isn't running from the cops, instead she's running from a relationship that ran toxic and a man who found joy in using her as a punching bag. When [Y/N] landed in Charming she wasn't expecting to find love or an open door, but Tig Trager turned out to be one smooth talking fucker and she was hooked. Weeks and months pass by and [Y/N] is finally getting into a normal routine and settling down when she notices a familiar individual that makes her heart sink.

She instantly drops the fruit she's holding and makes a beeline for her car, hoping that he hasn't spotted her. Unfortunately for her her ex does spot her and quickly makes his way across the street in an attempt to intercept her, but barely misses her as she speeds away heading directly for the club. The grip she has on the steering wheel doesn't ease up until she's pulling into the parking lot, her heart rate and breathing don't subside until she sees Tig jogging over to her car.

Tig opens the drivers side door and helps her out of the seat, his body language changes as soon as he sees her face, "Hey baby, what's wrong?"

"Tiggy, do you have a few minutes we really need to talk." [Y/N] replies quietly while fumbling with the hem of her shirt trying really hard to avoid his concerned gaze. Tig nods his head yes and takes her hand before leading her towards the clubhouse, once inside he leads her past the bar and towards the bedrooms.

"Baby whatever it is I can fix it, i'll work on changing myself. Just please don't leave me." Tig spits out before the bedroom door is even remotely closed so that they can have some privacy at least. Her mood lifts some at the thought of how much Tig is willing to do just to show how much he loves her, but she knows that it's ultimately not him.

She motions for him to sit on the bed next to her, "It's not you Tig, honestly you're perfect the way you are."

"Then what is it sweetheart?" Tig asks as he grabs her hands with his, giving them a gentle squeeze to encourage her to continue. It takes a moment for [Y/N] to regain the courage she found earlier on her drive over, but when she does find it everything comes pouring out.

"I believe i've mentioned moving time and time again." She mutters, her eyes locking with his before she continues, "well it wasn't necessarily because of my job, it's more a stalker problem."

"A stalker?" Tig questions, shock evident in his voice, "is he here in Charming? Is that why you're so freaked out right now?"

"Y-yes, I saw him when I was out on the town earlier, but that's not the whole story Tig." she replies, fear creeping up from the bottom of her heart. [Y/N] shuts her eyes tightly wanting so bad for this to all go away, but she knows it won't.

"It's okay baby, go on." Tig mumbles loud enough for her to hear, "I've got you."

With a shaky breath [Y/N] pushes on, "When we were together it started out okay, but then it went sour and he started to hit me and..."

Tig doesn't say anything right away as his mind begins to race with the all of the things he could do to this asshole. [Y/N] freezes as all of the horrendous memories come flooding back, the beatings, the yelling, the forced sex and so much more. The conversation falls flat as Tig roughly pulls her into his chest, his arms wrapping around her tightly.

"If he knows what's good for him, he's better get the hell out of Charming and fast." Tig states flatly as tears begin to well up and spill over onto her cheeks. The two of them sit like that for what seems like forever until someone softly knocks on the door.

"Didn't want to bother you two, but uh Jax is looking for you Tig." Juice calls through the door as they pull apart. Tig stands up as [Y/N] furiously brushes away a few stray tears with the palm of her hands.

"Be right there." Tig replies before turning to look at [Y/N], "I want you to go straight home baby, I'll be right behind you okay?"

"Promise?" She asks shakily while standing from the bed.

"Absolutely." Tig replies as he places a hand gently on her cheek, caressing her skin softly trying to ease her worry.

[Y/N] nods softly before standing on her tiptoes to plant a soft kiss on his cheek. He then pulls away from her and opens the door allowing her to leave before him, he watches her disappear out of the clubhouse before seeking out Jax. She hurries to her car and peels out of the parking lot without even speaking to Gemma, once in the highway she speeds to the house.

As she nears the small neighborhood a black sedan catches her eye in the rearview mirror sending her paranoia spiraling. After a few erratic turns she manages to ditch the sedan and come to a screeching halt in front of her house. She climbs out leaving the car running and hurries inside to pack a few things, she didn't need everything she just needed clothes and her savings.

Once everything is shoved into a bag she flees the house, not even bothering to close the front door. Now she loves Tig, but she fears her ex more and doesn't want Tig to get hurt so the only thing she can do is run. As she pulls onto the interstate tears begin to flow heavily as her phone begins to chime loudly and Tigs name flashes on the screen. [Y/N] fumbles working trying to make it quiet and nearly beers off the road as the phone skitters from her hand.

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