Decoration Mishap [Opie Winston]

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Day Seven of My Annual 35 Days of SOA
[Y/N] scans the hall closet for a very specific plastic storage container that should be filled to the brim with christmas lights that she's used in the past years. The moment she lays eyes on it she grabs it and begins pulling it out from under a tower of other items, the container slides out with one good tug but it sends her toppling to the floor with a heavy thud. Heavy footsteps catch her attention and she looks up and over to where Opie is standing with a huge grin on his face obviously proud that he'd witnessed the scenario.

"Care to help ya girl out with this overly stuffed box?" [Y/N] questions while putting on her best puppy dog look in hopes to win over her old man.

"I guess I can." Opie replies as he picks up the box with ease and disappears back down the hallway. [Y/N] shakes her head and picks herself up from the floor while shutting the closet door on her way up. Once she adjusts herself she hurries off into the living room where she finds Opie begrudgingly looking into the box.

"Well, I can't promise that we won't rage quit but i'm hoping with the two of us working on it this entire box won't take us too long." [Y/N] states as she looks back and forth from the box to Opie, "besides I think the kids will love the extra decorations."

"Ok, let's get down to business then."Opie replies as he grabs what he thinks is a single strand of lights but it turns out to be a ball of multiple strands. The slow process begins and as the day rolls by the two of them slowly become encased in strand after strand of lights.

Sometime in the early afternoon the house phone begins ringing and they lock eyes both desperate to flee the mess. Opie makes the first move but his feet get tangled and he goes down hard giving [Y/N] a fair chance to get to the phone. As she nears the side table where the phone is she somehow manages to trip over the lid and also goes down hard. On her way down she jars the table and the phone is knocked off the base and lands next to her.

"You got it?" Opie asks while pulling lights away from his feet.

"Yep, I've got it." She replies while grabbing the phone and pressing the answer button, "you've reached the Winston residence, how can I direct your call?"

"[Y/N/N], I was wondering if you and Opie are free to help out at the garage today?" Gemma questions as multiple car horns erupt in the background.

"Yeah, we'll be there in a few were kind of tangled in lights." [Y/N] replies as Opies face comes into view.

"Sounds good baby, see you then." Gemma replies before handing up which [Y/N] follows suit before handing Opie the phone. He takes the phone and returns it to the base before taking her hands and pulling her up and onto her feet.

"Want to get tangled in more lights?" She questions, a devious smile tugging at her lips.

"Maybe after work yeah?" Opie replies.

"I'll hold it to you then." [Y/N] replies as the two of them grab their jackets and head out of the house the lights temporarily forgotten about.

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