Start At The Beginning [Happy Lowman] 1/12

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Part One
Prompt: Don't ruin my happiness.
Rating: SFW
Warnings: Fluffiness and Happy Lowman domestication.
Notes: Italics is a flashback or how the "story" goes.
With one final wipe down of the counter, [Y/N] tosses the rag into the sink and slinks out of the kitchen and into the living room. The contagious laughter reaches her ears before the heartwarming scene unfolds before her eyes and the moment it does, she freezes. There sprawled out in the middle of the floor is Happy and crawling all over him shouting "horsey" are the two beautiful princesses. [Y/N] clasps her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud and running the moment, but Happy notices. He lifts his head and looks over at her with a pleading look on his face, she holds up a finger wanting to drink in the moment.

After a couple of more minutes she clears her throat and puts on a stern mom face, "alright girls, it's almost bedtime so lets go brush our teeth. Now."

"But mommy, daddy's home!" Lei cries out as she sprints over to where [Y/N] is standing, latching onto her legs the moment she's close enough. [Y/N] tries desperately not to fold to the puppy dog eyes that are in full throttle below her, but she almost caves when she sees the bottom lip quiver.

Thankfully Happy comes to the rescue cradling Lei's lookalike, Cora, "you heard your mom, besides I promise that I'll be here when you both wake up in the morning."

[Y/N] has to bite back a snarky response but doesn't bother to hide the look on her face which Happy picks up on. Lei begrudgingly detaches herself from her mothers legs only to grab onto Cora's hand as they head towards the hall bathroom. The moment the two of them disappear around the corner [Y/N] takes a step towards Happy something obviously weighing on her mind.

The sound of running water reaches the two of them and [Y/N] calmly lets loose, "you cannot make those kinds of promises Hap, we both know your phone can go off at any moment and you'll be halfway out the door before the person on the other end can end the conversation."

"I know work sometimes gets in the way," Happy mumbles as he gently places a hand on her cheek, caressing it ever so softly, "but everything is running smoothly with the club so I'll be around more. You're a strong woman baby, the glue that holds this family together. Let me be that glue for a little while, be the queen and let me wait on you hand and foot."

"T-that's not.. I-I can't just leave everything to you, that's not what we agreed on." [Y/N] sputters out as she tried to wrap her mind around what the Tacoma Killer just said.

Frustration briefly crawls across Happy's face, but it quickly disappears and is replaced with amusement, "I think I can handle a few things around the house and the two wildfires."

"Oh, so you think it's a walk in the park with your two children." [Y/N] scoffs trying hard to cover up a laugh trying to slither out, "baby, they're spitting images of you down to the personalities."

"Momma, our teethies are brushed!" Cora sings loudly as she comes running out of the bathroom with her t-shirt soaked.

"Will you read us a bedtime story?" Leilani chirps as she joins Cora in the hallway with a matching wet shirt.

"You're up daddy," [Y/N] quips while patting Happy on the chest before trying to slither off down the hallway to their bedroom. However, she's stopped suddenly by a tight grip on her left wrist with the perpetrator being Happy.

"I think you're more than capable of handling them for one more night." Happy states softly which causes you to turn your head to look at him.

"No fair." She whines softly before tugging herself free from him so that she can tangle the girls, "alright you two hooligans, let's get you cleaned up and tucked in."

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