Been A While [David Hale]

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With a slight grumble [Y/N] pulls her vehicle off of the road as the police cruiser behind her comes to abrupt stop with its lights blinking. She very quickly pulls out her her license and insurance card just as the officer steps up to her window. Before he can knock on the window she rolls it down and offers her information to him.

"Ma'am, do you know why I stopped you?" He asks as he takes her information, [Y/N] glances at the name tag on his shirt before replying.

"No idea officer... Hale? I was doing the speed limit and watching out for any pedestrians." She states he lifts his sunglasses off of his face to get a better look at her.

"You have a broken taillight Miss Teller. This is only a warning, just get it fixed." He replies while passing her information back to her, fixing his glasses he tosses a small wave at her before walking away.

"Wait a minute, so you really don't remember who I am David?" [Y/N] questions as she leans out of her car window.

Hale stops and turns around to look at her, his eyebrows raised in a questioning manner, "Well is the blank stare and confused look a good enough answer for you? I mean I know you're a Teller and that's truthfully all I need to know."

She laughs loudly as memories of high school flood her mind while continuing to look at him, "You really don't remember huh? While it's true I might be Jax Teller's sister, but if I recall correctly we were high school sweethearts."

He turns fully around and places a hand on his hip as realization sets, "I didn't even... has it really been that long?"

"Oh baby boy, all that fun we had and you've forgotten?" [Y/N] chuckles softly before adjusting her seatbelt, "Man it's good to be back in Charming, hope you're ready David."

"Ready for what?" He asks as she puts her car into gear.

"A whole new chapter if you're willing." She replies before pulling away from him while twiddling her fingers at him through the window.

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