Christmas Lights [Happy Lowman]

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The sun slowly slips behind the horizon allowing the darkness to wash over Charming. One by one the houses along the street start lighting up with multitudes of bright lights, some flickering while others remaining stationary.

"Please, please, please!" [Y/N] demands as she stares at her Old Man from across the kitchen table.

"No, final answer." Happy says as he finishes off his breakfast, "You're an adult, now start acting like one before I have to bend you over my knee little girl."

"Fine, I'll go by myself then." She says as she stands up from the table, "maybe you'll get that stick out of your ass by the time I get back."

Happy just stares after her as she exits the kitchen and into the living room where she pulls on a light jacket. Without so much as giving it a second though she slips out of the house and begins her trek through the neighborhood in hopes of enjoying the Christmas lights. By the time she rounds the corner to the next street the anger she'd felt towards Happy had disappeared and happiness had taken its place.

A shiver makes its way down her spine as the darkness around her becomes more prominent, then out of nowhere a firm arm slinks its way around her shoulders. She bites back a scream but calms herself as soon as she notices it's Happy.

"You should have waited." He states while pulling her closer.

"You still wouldn't have come with me." [Y/N] murmurs softly.

"No, I would have given into your pleads little girl, you know exactly what you do to me." Happy states as the two of them come to a stop at the end of the street they're currently on.

"Really now?" She questions, "Little ole me has such a profound effect on you?"

He places a hand on one of her cheeks as his other hand slips into her hair, gently tugging on it as he does so, "Yes, you do."

"You know you love me though." [Y/N] mumbles softly as Happy places a gentle kiss on her lips.

"So, so much." He replies, "there will also be repercussions for earlier, so I hope you're ready little girl."

"Yes sir." She replies with a soft smile.

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