Welcome To Fatherhood [Tig Trager Part One]

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Frantically Tig rushes from the living room and over to the laundry room desperately searching for his kutte. Not only did he wake up late, but he'd apparently already missed a very unpleasant phone call from Jax earlier this morning about him waking up late.

"Goddamnit, I know I took that damned thing off and laid it on the couch last night before I passed out in the bed." Tig mumbles loudly as he knocks over a hamper full of clean laundry in his panicked search. The noises float throughout the house and eventually fall on [Y/N]'s ears which of course rouses her from a semi-deep slumber. With an almost inaudible groan she sits up in bed clutching her head as the white sheet slips away from her chest letting the cool air caress her bare breasts, her nipples hardening.

"What in the sam-hell is going on in there?" She questions as she blinks her eyes and tosses the sheet away from her, slipping from the bed stark naked she reaches over to the chair beside the bed and grabs hold of the very thing Tig is looking for. Tugging the kutte closer for warmth she begins her slightly staggered exit out of the bedroom in search for her lover.

"Stupid, stupid!" Tig shouts as he knocks over one of the kitchen chairs just as [Y/N] rounds the corner.

"Tiggy, what in the absolute fuck are you raging over?" [Y/N] shouts loudly catching the frazzled man's attention. His blue eyes snap over to where she is standing and widen like a deer in headlights when he sees what she's wearing.

Without warning he dashes over to her, wraps his arms around her waist and lifts her up before slamming his lips against hers. Her hands automatically find their way into his curly brown hair as her back suddenly meets the wall. Tig pulls away from her lips and begins to slowly kiss down her jaw and too her neck while pressing his ever growing erection into her abdomen.

"Oh thank you my sweet little kitten," Tig mumbles against her neck, "you've found exactly what I've been looking for."

"Oh yeah? Well exactly how do you plant to take it from me?" [Y/N] asks while roughly tugging at his hair.

Tig growls lowly but doesn't stop his assault on her neck, "As much as I'd like to peel it off of you and devour every inch of your luscious body baby girl, I've got to go help Jax with something."

[Y/N] whines softly as Tig sets her back down and slips the kutte off of her shoulders leaving her naked, "You can't just leave me hanging like this baby, all hot and bothered."

Tig places a hand on her cheek before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, "It's not like I'll be gone all night, I'll be home soon and then, oh boy then, we'll have some true fun."

"Alright, it's a deal." [Y/N] states as she stands on her tiptoes press her lips against his, "Now, you'd better go run and play, don't want you to be in too much trouble."

"Yes ma'am." Tig replies before pushing away from her and heading out the door. As the door closes behind him she sighs softly and heads back down the hall to the bedroom where she climbs back into bed.

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