Nerdy [Tig Trager]

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Tig wasn't really sure how he managed to land [Y/N] as a girlfriend and he was beyond shocked that she decided to stay. Either way he was happy and he was hell bent on keeping her happy, even if that meant spending a little more on her favorite pastime- reading. In the afternoons he'd come home from the shop to find her curled up in the big armchair with one of her favorite books.

Today wasn't any different, as soon as he walks into the house his eyes immediately dart over to where she's sitting. But it wasn't the book that caught his attention, nor the way the sunlight filtered through the curtains and created a halo around her. No, it was the way she was biting her bottom lip that brought him to life, it pretty much drove him mad.

"Hey baby, have a good day?" Tig questions as he presses a light kiss to her forehead before collapsing on the couch.

"It was okay, but it's so much better now that you're here." [Y/N] replies while closing her book, "how was your day?"

Tig bums softly, "Same old, same old."

"Oh? Is there anyway I can maybe spice it up?" She questions while nibbling on her bottom lip.

Tig starts to reply, but stops in his tracks when he notices her doing it, "Stop biting your lip like that."

"Make me Tiggy." [Y/N] replies as a smirk slowly makes its way into her face.

He hesitates a moment before a very devious smile appears on his face, "Oh baby girl, you know I can."

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