Cranky [Abel Teller]

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Authors note: The artwork provided today is not mine and the credit goes to whoever made it.
[Y/N] lets out a low groan and she sinks down into the kitchen chair across from her father. Without a word he pushes an empty bowl, the cereal box and the milk over towards her.

"Do I really need to start today?" She questions while pouring a heaping amount of cereal into the bowl, "I just got home!"

Juice looks up from the newspaper he's reading with a spoon of cereal halfway to his mouth, "Yes, Gemma is overflowing with paperwork and needs all the help she can get."

The two of them sit in silence while finishing their breakfast. Now [Y/N] wasn't bummed about working at the Teller-Marrow garage, no she was beyond excited. Why? Because she'd have the opportunity to ogle and flirt with one of her close friends-Abel Teller.

"Ready?" Juice asks as he places his empty bowl in the sink, "mind if we take your car today?"

[Y/N] shakes her head before looking over at him, "Uh yeah and yeah we can take it, was gonna suggest it anyway since we're going to the same place."

Juice nods at her approval and the two of them hurry from the kitchen with keys in hand. [Y/N] climbs into the driver's seat as Juice claims the passenger and they pull out of the driveway garage bound. The drive to the garage isn't a very long one and they end up arriving at the same as Gemma.

Just as [Y/N] climbs out of the car Abel pulls up on his motorcycle that closely resembles Jax's. In an attempt to hide her growing blush she ducks her head and rushes over to Gemma who is elated to see her. Gemma takes her into the office and begins to show her the ropes of running the garage and before lo she's pretty much running the place.

Around lunch time she wanders into the shop in order to find someone for a quick tow, as she rounds the corner she ends up running smack into a firm chest.

"Whoa there friend." Abel says with a light laugh as he places his hands on her shoulders. He gently pushes her away from her body only to find her face covered in a bright shade of red.

"Whoa yourself!" [Y/N] snaps angrily, but her anger fades really fast as she realizes who she is standing in front of.

"My aren't you a cranky one, need a snickers?" Abel questions as her heartbeat skyrockets and her palms become clammy.

[Y/N] clears her theist before attempting to form coherent sentences, "I-I actually haven't had any lunch yet."

"Cool, me either, why not pass that off to one of the other prospects and then go grab a bite to eat?" He questions while tugging the sheets of paper out of her hands.

She nods excitedly while Abel finds someone to take care of the tow job, he mind races at the endless possibilities that could happen. Abel soon rejoins her and leads her out into the parking lot and over to his bike where he hands her a helmet. [Y/N] takes the helmet and climbs on after him making sure to wrap her arms around his waist as they take off.

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