Friends [Jax Teller and Opie Winston]

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It wasn't uncommon knowledge that [Y/N] didn't see eye to eye with her mother's current boyfriend. In fact most of the people they knew had a feeling [Y/N] hated the man to his core. Was it his consistent drinking? Probably. Was it his inability to keep a stable job? Very likely. Or was it his temper that seemed to come lashing out resulting in him hitting the two of them? Oh most definitely.

When her mother decided that they were going to move to the little town Charming she thought that it would be the end of their relationship. Boy was [Y/N] wrong, because waiting for them on their new doorstep was that asshole claiming that he landed a good job. It was like all of his wrong doing just went out of the window and everything would be okay, or so it seemed.

Several months pass, he manages to keep the job at Teller-Morrow garage, the drinking lessened and his rage vanished below the surface. [Y/N] also got a job at the garage, it was mainly paper pushing but she handled it like a champ. By working at the garage, [Y/N] had the opportunity to meet Jax and at the same time Opie and before long they became great friends.

Out of the blue one day Gemma corners her in the office only to pretty much tell her that it's high time for a family dinner. [Y/N] nods excitedly, but on the inside she's groaning at the thought of the three of them seated at Gemma's huge table. Deep down inside she knew something was bound to go wrong and little did she know her worst fear would come true.

Two days after the cornering [Y/N] finds herself standing in front of Gemma's house holding some dessert her mother made. She stands there contemplating ringing the doorbell but is beat to it by someone she knows all too well.

"I was going to do that." [Y/N] grumbles as she looks up and over to Opie who's wearing this shit eating grin.

"Really though? Because from where i'm standing it looked like you were daydreaming." Opie replies as Gemma opens the door, a smile appearing on her face when she realizes who it is.

"About damned time you two, come on in." Gemma says as she stands to the side so that they can walk inside, "is your mom and [M/BF/N] coming?"

"Supposed to, she's working a weird shift today and I don't know if I could have made it here if he was in the same car as me." she replies with a soft smile while handing over the cool dish.

Gemma's smile falls ever so slightly after hearing what [Y/N] says, "so she's still with that prick huh?"

She doesn't respond, only nods as Gemma leads her from the foyer and to the kitchen that's bustling with some crow eaters. For a few moments she watches Gemma and the other girls put together platters of food but she becomes bored and drifts off to the living room. There she finds the TV blaring football scores as the guys crowd around it in an attempt to appear busy.

"Didn't realize you two were such big pigskin fans," [Y/N] whispers as she sandwiches herself between Jax and Opie.

"Every once in a while we dabble in the sports world." Jax mutters back before offering her a heaping bowl of popcorn, "besides it keeps out of trouble while ma is cooking."

She chuckles softly as the sound of something shattering outside echoes around the living room. Everyone stops what they're doing as their heads swivel to the front door while someone turns the TV down. That's when she hears it, her mother's stressed voice and his obnoxiously slurred one indicating that he's been hitting the bottle. In a flash she's rushing towards the door only to be beaten there by Gemma who flings the door open revealing quite the scene.

Her mother is standing with her hands covering her face in a protective manner while he's standing above her hand raised. On the ground next to her mother's feet is what's left of a casserole dish. Had it not been for Opie who had gently pulled her away from the door she would have lunged forth and tackled the as to the ground.

"What in the hell are you doing?" Gemma spits angrily as she pulls [Y/M/N] towards her as Jax and Clay step forward.

"How about you stay out of this and give her back to me." He replies while motioning towards [Y/M/N], "while you're at it why not give me [Y/N] too."

"Man you've gone off your rocker if you think we're gonna let you hurt either one of them." Jax stated as he roughly shoves [M/BF/N] off the doorstep.

[Y/N] gently frees herself from Opie's arms to rush over to her mother, "Mom, let me see."

It takes a few moments to get through to her but she slowly drops her hands only to reveal a cut above her eye and an already blackening eye. Something inside of [Y/N] finally snaps, it could be the fact that she's had enough of the son of a bitch or the fact that she's surrounded by people she trusts. Angrily she shoved past Juice and Half sack desperately trying to get to the prick, but once again she finds herself held back.

"You're done asshole!" She shouts while struggling against Jax, "you'd better get your shit and get stepping, if there's any sign of you at her house when we get back so help me."

"Or what bitch? You'll do what exactly?" He fires back while taking a daring step towards her and the others. Clay intervenes and cuts him off, the look on his face ultimately asking him to take another step. He steps back a couple of feet before spitting on the ground next to Clay, throwing up his middle finger he slinks back off to his car before driving off.

[Y/N] stays outside for a while longer fuming while Gemma and the others tend to her mother. She drags a hand through her hair as Jax and Opie come to a stop next to her.

"Here, drink this." Jax states while handing her an open beer, "it'll help."

"Thanks," she replies before downing nearly half of the bottle, "bouncing his head off a wall and caving in his windshield would help a lot too."

Opie laughs loudly before draping his arm around her shoulder while Jax chuckles lowly. The three of them stand there in silence for a few more minutes before Gemma calls for dinner.

"By the way, welcome to the family." Jax mutters as they walk back into the house, "and if that asshole shows up for work on Monday he'll be tossed out on his ass."

"Thanks, that means a lot." [Y/N] states as they walk into the dining room, she spots her mother and quickly pulls her into a bear hug.

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