Perfect Pumpkin [Jax Teller]

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With a happy hum [Y/N] grabs a nearby pen and sloppily circles the address for the pumpkin patch before searching out Jax. She finds said biker curled up in Abel's bed fast asleep obviously tuckered out from reading and rereading the little ones favorite book. [Y/N] quietly walks up to the bed and gently shakes his shoulder which is enough to rouse him. Jax groggily looks over his shoulder at her before unfolding himself from the bed making sure to stretch afterwards.

"Come here." [Y/N] whispers softly while motioning for him to follow with her finger. Jax obliges and quickly follows her out of Abel's room and into the kitchen where he flops down into one of the chairs.

"What's up?" He questions as a huge yawn erupts from him. She takes a seat across from him and waits until the yawn passes not bothering to chastise him for not covering his mouth.

"So, there's a local pumpkin patch and I thought that I'd be a great opportunity for us to go and pick one or two." [Y/N] states happily as she turns the paper in front of her around so that he can see her handiwork, "besides, I think Abel is old enough now to carve his very own pumpkin and I think this family needs to create new memories."

Jax narrows his blue eyes at her for a moment before a big shit eating grin breaks out across his face, "I think you just want an excuse to take more photos of me."

"Please boy, why take more photos when I already have the real thing. I just want something to look back on when he gets older, besides if you do this for me the reward will be worth it." [Y/N] replies with a mischievous grin which catches Jax's attention. The room is silent for a few minutes as Jax drifts off in thought, the only movement from his is a nod every once in a while.

"Deal. When would you like to go?" He questions, his eyes glued to yours.

"Tomorrow afternoon too soon? Or do I need to realign some planets in order to steal you away for a little while?" She retorts before standing and walking over to the refrigerator, "beer?"

"Yes please and tomorrow should work out perfectly." Jax says as you open the door and pull two beers from the refrigerator and returning to the table.

"Perfect, you heading to the garage?" [Y/N] questions as she twists both tops off and passes one to Jax.

He sighs softly while fiddling with the bottle, "Yeah, got some business with the Irish to tend to but afterwards i'm all yours.l

[Y/N] nods her head before pressing a light kiss to his temple, "Okay, just be careful and I'll see you when you get back."

With those final words [Y/N] takes her beer and departs into their bedroom in order to get some rest. As she steps into their bedroom she takes a moment to peer into Abel's room just to check on him. Satisfied with what she sees she walks over to her side of the bed and slips under the covers. The moment her head hits the pillow she's out like a light, her beer completely forgotten about.

Morning comes way too fast and before long she's woken by tiny cold hands patting her cheeks. Breakfast comes soon followed by lunch and she's heard little to nothing from Jax, but grandma shows up to help.

"Any big plans this afternoon?" Gemma questions as she clears the dining table.

"Yeah, I convinced Jax to accompany Abel and I to one of the local pumpkin patches." [Y/N] replies with a soft smile, "actually, would you like to join? I'm planning on taking some family photos and a grandma needs photos."

Gemma lets out a hearty laugh as she places the dishes in the sink, "that's very sweet of you baby, but I unfortunately have to be at the garage all afternoon and i'm sure there will be plenty of extras."

"Of course there will be extras. Hey, when you go in if you see Jax will you tell him to please call me." [Y/N] replies as she finishes packing a day bag for the trip, "I haven't heard nor seen him since last night."ght."

"That's odd considering Clay made it home well before midnight." Gemma mutters as she digs through her pockets in an attempt to find her phone, "but if I do see him i'll light a fire under his ass so that he doesn't miss out on those photos okay?"

"Thank you much." [Y/N] replies as she watches Gemma gather up her purse and slip out the backdoor. Worry evades her mind as she gathers up the day bag and Abel and makes her way out to the car where she hurridely straps the sweet baby into his carseat. The ride to the pumpkin patch is uneventful except for the surprise cheerios that Abel flings up into the air like confetti. As they pull into the parking area any worry that invaded her conscious quickly fades away as her eyes land on Jax who smiles and waves at them.

"I'm sorry for not coming home last night and i'll wholeheartedly accept any punishment you throw at me for not texting/calling you either." Jax states as he meets her by the car door as she climbs out.

"Well for starters Teller you're lucky I love you so much." [Y/N] replies as she passes him the day bag so that she can pull Abel from his carseat, "besides I figured it had something to do with the club so I didn't want to press too much."

Once Abel is free she sets him down on the ground and the first thing he does is take off into the pumpkin patch leaving the two of them in the dust. [Y/N] laughs softly as she quickly takes off after the toddler who weaves his way through the patch as if he's been there before. When she finally catches up to him she finds him sitting in front of a massive pumpkin with a huge grin plastered on his sweet face.

"I found my pumpkin momma." Abel chirps happily as Jax finally catches up with them.

"Well done!" Jax exclaims happily as he doubles over trying to catch his breath, "also I might have tripped and taken out a few pumpkins in the process of trying to keep up with you two."

"Any one see?" [Y/N] questions as she takes the bag from Jax so that she can fish out her camera.

"Nope." he replies as she settles down onto the ground next to Abel.

"Good." she states and begins to snap away with the camera making sure to catch any and every precious moment she can.

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