Scarf [Tig Trager]

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[Y/N] backs slowly into the corner as Tig inches closer and closer with a very devious grin seated on his face. Her palms hit the wall as he reaches out and gently takes the end of the scarf she's wearing into his hands. He tugs on the scarf softly as he leans down to press his forehead against hers, their eyes boring into each other's.

"Hey," she mumbles softly. 

"Hey baby girl, I uh have a question for you." Tig states as his left hand leaves the scarf and lands on her hip, his fingers traveling up under the hem of her shirt ghosting along the skin there.

Her chest begins to rise and fall a little faster as his hand creeps higher and higher setting the skin he touches on fire, "what's that?"

Tig chuckles softly before continuing, his hand creeping closer and closer to her bra clad breast, "is that my scarf you're wearing?"

"Yes." [Y/N] replies in a near whisper.

"Yes what?" Tig asks as he pushes the bra out of the way essentially freeing her breast, he then takes her now hardened nipple in between his index finger and thumb and pulls sharply.

A loud moan rolls off of her tongue as her cheeks burn a bright red and her breathing becomes faster, "Sir. Yes, sir."

Tig nods approvingly before dipping his head down to hungrily press his lips against hers. The hand that's holding onto to the scarf lets go and searches frantically for one of her hands, once he finds it he moves her open palm over his hardened cock that's begging to be free.

He continues to grope at her breast before leaving it and trailing his hand down towards her jeans, "Do you see what you do to me little girl? And all it takes is you wearing my scarf."

[Y/N]'s eyes flutter closed as both of his hands work quickly to unbutton her jeans and push them towards her knees. He drops to his knees and presses his cheek against her thigh as they both catch their breaths.

"All this over a scarf?" [Y/N] questions as Tig hooks a couple of fingers under the hem of her panties, "then maybe I should wear more of your clothes."

He chuckles softly while pulling her panties down to join her jeans, the cool air brushes against her exposed genitals which sends a shiver hurtling up her spine. Gently Tig nudges her legs open wider and without warning he drags his tongue through her folds. Another moan slips free of [Y/N] as her hand shoots out and tangles itself into his locks.

"Oh baby, you can just walk around in front of me and you set me on fire." Tig replies before taking another lap at her folds, this time his tongue stops on her clit working it over a couple of times.

"Fuck Tig." [Y/N] sputters out as he continues his assault on her clit, "baby, please stop teasing."

Suddenly he dips two fingers into her now wet pussy, hooking them forward before dragging them out slowly, repeating the process again and again.

"Don't know what you're talking about little girl." Tig replies as he kisses her thigh, "but man oh man do I love those sounds you're making."

He takes one more lap at her clit before his cellphone begins blaring loudly, pulling away he grumbles but manages to answer it while keeping up his slow pace. [Y/N] feels her knees start to buckle but she remains standing as she's brought closer and closer to her sweet release.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a few." Tig finally says before hanging up. He slowly drags his fingers out of her wet pussy once more leaving her whining and feeling empty.

"Tig, don't stop." [Y/N] states as she attempts to catch her breath. Tig stands slowly and presses his lips against hers before ducking his fingers clean.

"Trust me baby, I don't want to but when the Pres calls you know I've got to go." Tig replies softly, "now, don't you touch a thing till I get back yeah?"

She drags a hand through her hair but nods in agreement, "Fine, fine."

"Good girl, be back soon." Tig says before disappearing out of the house. [Y/N] sighs furiously before yanking her clothes back up and into their rightful place before dropping down onto the couch.

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