Absolutely Perfect [Happy Lowman]

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[Y/N] lets out a disgruntled sigh as she tosses yet another item of clothing on the bed unsatisfied with how it looks on her. Just as she pulls another outfit off the rack Happy comes strolling into the bedroom looking to take a nap on the bed. He comes to an abrupt stop when he sees all the clothes on the bed wondering if maybe one of the kids made the mess.

"I'm gonna tan some tail if they made this mess." Happy states loudly as he turns back towards the living room but stops when he sees [Y/N] out of the corner of his eye. He watches as she pulls the sundress over head, letting it fall around her hugging all of her curves perfectly as it settles on her.

Happy starts to compliment her but before he can she lets out an angry huff and pulls the dress off. Without looking she tosses the dress towards what she thinks is the bed but instead Happy catches it.

"Why'd you pull it off?" Happy questions scaring the shit out of [Y/N] who screams and turns to look at him her hand clutching her chest.

"Jesus Happy!" She yells at him as he smiles and leans against the closet door, the sundress dangling from his index fingers.

"Baby, are you spring cleaning or just looking for something to wear?" He questions as she steps forward and snatches the dress from him, "because if you're looking for something to wear this'll do, it hugs you in all the right places."

"That's not the point Hap, you may love all of me but... you're not them." [Y/N] replies while motioning to the world outside, "the world wants women to look one way-..."

"Enough woman! You're perfect the way you are damnit." Happy states as he steps towards her so that he can grab her by the waist and pull her into him, "so damn perfect that if the kids weren't here right now I'd taste every part of this fine ass body."

"Really?" [Y/N] replies, her voice dropping some as she runs her hands up his chest.

Happy ducks his head down pressing light kisses against her cheek, "Damn right. Love this body, love this ass and I love you."

[Y/N] laughs softly as Happy grabs her ass and lifts her up so that she can wrap her legs around his waist. As they move towards the bed Happy manages to kick the door closed so that they have a little privacy.

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