Not In My House [Juice Ortiz]

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With great carefulness [Y/N] unfolds herself from Juice and slips out of the bedroom making sure to pull the door closed. She lets her had fall back to her side as she backs away from the door, an overwhelming sadness sitting firmly on her chest. Juice had finally caved, finally told her what has been eating at him for the past couple of months. Finally, explained the odd bruises on his neck and why the club was hellbent on finding him. But now that she knows everything that has happened a spark has ignited in her belly, one that if fed properly could be deadly.

For a split second she contemplates barging into the room, rousing Juice and escorting him to a safe place. With a huff and a shake of her head she walks down the hallway to the living room looking for something to get her mind off of the subject. [Y/N] settles for watching tv and before long she's buried under a ton of blankets on the couch and absorbed in some show. After a few hours Juice comes trudging into the living room and takes up residence next to her.

"You hungry?" She asks softly, her fingers interlacing with his as he buries himself under the blankets, "we can order takeout or I can throw something together from the freezer."

He remains silent for a few moments just absentmindedly chewing on his bottom lip before replying, "takeout sounds nice, you pick this time."

[Y/N] nods before kicking the covers off and bolting off the couch and over to the drawer of takeout menus. She fumbles around in the drawer until she finds a very worn Chinese menu and dials the number on front. As soon as the person on the other end picks up she rattled off the order and asks for them to deliver. After confirming the order she ends the phone call and makes her way back over to the couch. This time instead of curling into her Old Man she pulls him into her chest essentially becoming the big spoon which he enjoys. Time slips by and the two of them become so engrossed in the show that when someone knocks on the front door they both jump.

Juice scoots of the couch ready to make a run to the back room but [Y/N] catches his arm, "Hey, it's just the food baby relax." The look in his eyes scream something different but she motions for him to move back onto the couch as she stands.

He does as he's instructed but refuses to cover himself back up just in case. [Y/N] sighs quietly as she fishes a couple of twenties out of her purse and proceeds to open the door. As she opens the door expecting to find a delivery guy her heart plummets into her gut as her eyes land on Jax Teller.

"W-what are you doing here?" She questions, her eyes boring into his blue ones. Jax doesn't respond as he forcefully pushes himself into the apartment obviously searching for Juice.

Fear flows heavily through her body as she bolts away from the open door and pushes past him in an attempt to stop him. [Y/N] steps in front of Jax and holds her hands out in a civil attempt to keep him from edging further into her home.

"Where's he at [Y/N]? I know he's been around, I just want to talk." Jax states as he glances around he room hoping to spot Juice.

"He's not here, no please leave." She replies calmly, her eyes never moving from his face.

"Not until I talk to him." He presses as his eyes flicker to hers, "I know he's here and if he doesn't man up and come out here..."

"You'll do what Jackson, hit me? Because you know the second you do I'll pop back up and return the lick. I've done it before." [Y/N] states, her voice dropping ever so slightly.

Jax opens his mouth and then quickly shuts it as he tries to formulate a reply. He then takes one step forward, using his much larger size to force her a step backwards.

"Get out, now." [Y/N] replies, "you're not doing this in my house and not in such an intimidating manner. Now leave." Jax nods his head before turning his attention towards the hallway, [Y/N] shifts a little so that she's able to intercept if needed.

"You can't hide behind [Y/N] forever Juice!" He shouts into the apartment as he slowly backs towards the door, "so whenever you're ready to make amends you know where to find me."

With that he slips out of the apartment and she rushes forward to shut and bolt the door just in case. [Y/N] crumbles against the door, her chest heaving and tears-mostly from anger-prick her eyes.

"Baby? You okay?" Juice questions from a few feet behind her. Quietly she nods her head and holds up her hand signaling that she needs a moment as she tries to calm herself.

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