Don't Walk Alone [Happy Lowman]

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With one final shove [Y/N] manages to get the door shut on one of the large storage containers just as Gemma pulls the Tahoe around. Gemma slides out of the driver's seat a frown deeply set on her face as she opens the hatchback.

"If you keep that look on your face it may stick that way love," you state while lifting the overstuffed container, "must we move these things today?"

"Well maybe if it freezes this way someone will understand and finally pick up on my dissatisfaction." Gemma snaps back as she grabs one of the other containers, "these the only ones?"

"Yes ma'am, the only ones I could find anyway. The rest of the items are family related, I picked over every inch of that storage shed in an attempt to find things for the yard sale." [Y/N] replies as Gemma slams the hatchback closed, an angry sigh erupting from the Queen.

"What about your place? Do you have anything that you don't need anymore, clothes, dishes, anything?" Gemma questions as the two of them climb into the Tahoe. [Y/N] racks her brain trying to remember if she's put anything to the side for donations but she comes up blank.

"N-no, unfortunately I don't have anything at the moment." She replies as Gemma starts the vehicle and guns it towards the clubhouse the clock on the dash reading six AM. By the time they get to the clubhouse the crow eaters have already set up a few tables and have started to sort through some donated items.

As [Y/N] climbs out of the vehicle she's greeted by Lyla, "didn't think you were going to make it today."

"Gemma was nice enough to pick me up and drop me off." [Y/N] replies with a soft smile, "don't worry too much about me Lyla, everything's going to work out in the end."

Lyla smiles in return while brushing some hair away from [Y/N] eyes, "you're family, even before I came along so it's natural for me to worry. Now, let's get this show on the road!"

[Y/N] chuckles softly as she watched Lyla bounce around to the back of the Tahoe, for a split second her [e/c] eyes cut over to where Happy is standing. To her surprise he's returning the look but once he realizes she's caught on he diverts her attention. She clears her throat and moves over to where Gemma is standing at one of the tables counting out change. Throughout the day people come and people go, items fly off the table like hot cakes and before long they're shutting down the yard sale.

After the tables are cleared away and the sun sinks behind the horizon a party begins to bloom. [Y/N] shrinks away from the masses falling into one of the corners that's occupied by several friendly faces. She takes up the unattended seat next to Tara and before long the exhaustion from the day catches up to her. Her head bobs a little before dropping down onto Tara's shoulder, but she's not shaken off her friend taking pity.

A loud uproar and smashing of wood rouses [Y/N] to the point that she's scrambling off the couch. She glances down at her watch before chiding herself for staying out way too late for her own good. Her eyes dart to Tara who is studying something going on behind her but [Y/N] waves her hand in front of her face regardless.

"Tara! I'm leaving, got to get some rest before my shift later today!" She shouts while motioning towards her watch, Tara nods her head before turning her attention back to whatever is going on. [Y/N] rolls her eyes before weaving herself through the crowd towards the exit and for yet another brief second she makes eye contact with Happy. Once she's finally outside [Y/N] makes her way outside of the gates and hangs a right deciding to take a shortcut to get home.

She makes it a block and a half before running into a group individuals she was hoping to avoid. The wolf whistles cut through the air, her blood chilling in her veins as she fastens her pace. Unfortunately they catch up to her and manage to corner her in a dead end alley, her eyes dart nervously from one towering man to the next.

"Well, well look what we've got here boys." One of The men states with a devious laugh.

"And if you touch one single hair on her head, you'll regret it for life." Someone states from behind the group of men, [Y/N] recognizes the voice a spark of relief lighting her heart on fire.

"She yours?" One of the guys asks, obviously sizing Happy up. She can see Happy in between the men and she can't be sure but she believes he's fishing around in his waistband for his gun.

"Yeah, got a problem with it?" Happy questions as he steps forward, shoving through them so that he can put himself between her and them, "now piss off."

One of the guys laughs while another one grabs a hold of his jacket and pulls him along, they disappear around the corner leaving the two of them alone. Happy turns slowly and holds out a hand for [Y/N] to take and he gratefully does so.

"Thank you." [Y/N] says as he leads the way out of the alley, "i'm only a couple of blocks away."

"I know." Happy replies quietly, never meeting her eye.

His statement catches her off guard and she comes to a standstill pulling him backwards, "how so? Have you been stalking me Happy?"

Happy turns and looks her in the eyes, taking a step closer to her, "I wasn't stalking, just making sure that you got home safely."

"T-that's very kind of you." She replies, a small smile gracing her tired features.

"Just promise me that you'll never walk home alone again, all you have to do is just ask me." Happy states as he reaches up and gently cups her cheek.

"So long as you agree to stay when I do ask." [Y/N] replies.

"Always." Happy says as he continues to lead her back to her apartment.

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