Halloween Pt. 2 [Tig Trager]

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Tig pulls his helmet off and quickly scans the bikes around him to make sure Juice was indeed at the clubhouse. After locating Juice's bike he climbs off of his own bike and makes his way inside hoping his good friend was by himself. A few feet inside of the club he spots Juice alone, nursing a half empty beer while sitting at the counter.

"Hey brother." Tig states as he slides into the empty seat next to him, "did that uh, package come in?"

Juice looks up, chokes down some of his beer
and nearly bursts out laughing at Tig, "Dude, yeah that package came in! The bigger question though, what are you going to use it for?"

"Halloween, it's for Halloween." Tig states as Juice laughs more to himself as he slides off the bar stool and slips down the hall to where the dorms are.

A few seconds later Juice returns toting a medium sized box, "Everything should be in the box, now don't have too much fun with [Y/N]."

"Right, right." Tig mumbles as he takes the box from Juice and exits the clubhouse. After checking and double checking to make sure the box was secured to his bike Tig straps on his helmet and races home. Once at home he slips inside the house and hides the box under the bed in preparation for the following day.

After finishing up at work [Y/N] grabs her items and scurries home in anticipation for the constant ringing of her doorbell that night . That's right, it's finally Halloween and to her very own surprise she hadn't had a single piece of candy in nearly three days. As soon as she enters the house she drops her stuff on the floor and speeds into the master bedroom to change into her mermaid costume.

"Where in the world is he?" [Y/N] mumbles as night time falls and laughter begins to fill the streets. One right after another tiny fingers ring the doorbell and the big cauldron of candy she filled earlier begins disappearing quickly. Sometime around ten she fully runs out of candy and shuts the porch light off.

Turning around she comes face to face with Tig dressed from head to toe as a full fledged cowboy, hat and chaps included. [Y/N]'s breath caught in her throats as she braced herself against the table next to her as a smirk crawls across her Old Man's face.

"Howdy ma'am, hope i'm not too late." Tig says while tipping his hat at her.

"Well, I was going to chew you out for leaving me by myself to wrestle all of these scary ghosts and goblins." She replies while fanning herself with her hand, "but, I can think of another way to make things right."

Ever so slightly [Y/N] could see his eyes perk up as he slowly makes his way over to her, "Well, a little birdie did tell me that you've been an awfully good girl these past few days."

"Oh really? Well then that birdie should have also mentioned that I deserve my prize for winning that bet." She replies as he comes to a stop in front of her, gently he runs his fingers through her hair before softly tugging her head backwards.

"Oh darlin'," Tig states as he leans in close to her, their lips almost touching, "you're gonna get your prize and then some."

[Y/N] leans forward just enough their lips meet as his hand sneaks under the shirt she's wearing to palm at her breast. With her right hand she begins working on his belt as the hand in her hair tightens, Tig pulls away and roughly pushes her against the door.

He reaches up and pulls the cowboy hat off and tosses it in a random direction before tugging off [Y/N]'s shirt. With quick fingers she unbuttons his shirt and tugs it off of his shoulders. Just as Tig begins to work on the zipper of her skirt the doorbell chimes causing them to freeze. The two of them wait a few seconds before they bolt for the bedroom to continue their fun.

Once in the bedroom Tig kicks the door closed as [Y/N] shimmies out of her skirt. He goes to undo the chaps, but she swats his hand away.

"No, no you can lose the pants baby, but keep the chaps." [Y/N] states as a blush creeps up her cheeks.

"Yes ma'am." Tig replies as he places a hand on her cheek, "you know I absolutely love it when you blush."

"I know, thank you uh, for doing this." She mumbles.

"Anytime baby, anytime." Tig replies before pressing his lips against hers as he unhooks her bra.

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