Adult Holiday Beverage [Happy Lowman]

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Day One of my annual 25 Days of SOA!
As soon as Thanksgiving is over and done with [Y/N] breaks out all of her Christmas gear and begins decorating until she physically can't anymore. But what really gets her into the holiday groove is the first party invitation that lands in her mailbox and it's usually one of Gemma's. With ugly sweater adorned and Santa hat sitting on her head she drags Happy along behind her to the house.

"I promise we won't stay long and the parties are always good." She mumbles while ringing the doorbell, her [e/c] eyes taking in the disapproving look on Happy's face.

"If my memory serves right, that's exactly what you said last year." Happy replies as the front door swings open revealing a very festive and busy atmosphere.

"Come, come there's plenty of food in the kitchen, holiday movies in the den and dirty Santa will start later on." Gemma states as she users the two inside making sure the door is closed tightly before zipping off. [Y/N] smiles and greets a few familiar faces as Happy slinks off to the kitchen before searching for the rest of his brothers.

After what seems like forever she slips away from a deep conversation and into the den where she finds both kids and adults crammed in front of the tv. She scans the room and makes eye contact with Happy who's cradling a steaming cup of hot chocolate in one hand and a flask in the other. Her eyes narrow as a wicked grijn breaks out across his face as he lifts the unscrewed flask up.

"Don't you do it!" She mouths towards him not wanting to ruin the movie. Happy nods his head yes and dumps whatever booze he's acquired into the cup before raising it to his lips. [Y/N] throws her hands into the air before disappearing back from whence she came now upset that she can't enjoy the spiked eggnog. The party continues on for several more hours until parents are forced to scoop up children and trickle out of the house and into the night.

From across the room [Y/N] motions to Happy that she's ready to go and makes her way to the car ready to call it a night. Happy finally makes it to the car carrying leftovers and a very obvious checkered thermos.

"What's that?" She questions as he situates himself in the passenger seat.

"Leftover eggnog that will hopefully get me off the hook." He replies in a low but questionable tone.

"What's the catch?" [Y/N] replies while narrowing her eyes at him, "you're not opening any presents early."

"It's all yours if you'll wear that one outfit for me." Happy states, his expression shifting from one emotion to another.

"Deal." She says before putting the car in drive as Jingle Bells begins playing on the radio.

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