Comfort is found in words and actions: Joe Hills

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Taking a deep breath, Joe calmly walks down to the room the meteors being held in. Of course, he's terrified but he needs to know... Shoes clinking softly against the floor Joe spots it. The large but unassuming Meteor. It's a large gray stone with many different wires and sensors attached.

Stopping in front of the rock Joe looks up, "Why, why are you doing this?"

The screen monitoring the meteor suddenly lights up and words appear, "Why am I doing this? I want you all to feel what I felt."

Taking a small step back Joe gasps, "What happened?"

Aver is shocked, "After what I've done to your friends, you ask me this?"

"Well, you clearly need to talk to someone," As he speaks the ground starts to look a bit fuzzy. The metal is replaced with smooth stone and intricate tiles.

"Welcome to my prison," A man shrouded in shadows says softly.

Joe gasps, "You're Avar?"

"I am, please sit."

Cautiously Joe complies, "This doesn't look much like a prison..."

"After being stuck for millennia it is," Aver steps forwards, piercing blue eyes boring right through Joe.

"Oh, what happened?"

Avars face darkens, "The Vex lied to me. I asked them for help to save them... they tricked me."

Solemnly Joe nods, still looking carefully at the clearly broken man harboring all kinds of resentment sitting in front of him.

"In the end, I saved my village, but I lost my humanity."

Joe steels himself as he asks the next question, "So why target us?"

"Simple, the two most powerful servants of the vex live with you, and the Vex must perish."

"Ok then..." Joe gasps softly.

Avar frowns, "I've had three visitors in all my time here, the vex servant, Asmodeus, and now you, Joe Hill."

"I have two questions, who is Asmodeus? And how did you know my name?"

Laughing softly, Aver answers, "Asmodeus, is the dragon familiar you call Max and you should know by now, I can read minds when I'm infecting people."

"That is terrifying. Would you consider not hurting anyone else?"

High pitched shrieking laughter fills the air, "No, the vex must feel my pain... you're all so happy, you don't know how I felt. You weren't chased out of your home, you didn't almost kill your best friend..." Aver drops to the ground, "I ran. I couldn't face them."

Joe softly kneels next to Avar, he helps the shorter man to his feet, "I can't deny that you did horrible things, but you could stop, you could make things right."

"It's far too late for that, you forget I need to do this for what they did to me."

"You don't have to do anything... The Vex have fallen from power they can barely manifest without the evokers. When they aren't in the mansions they need a consistent source of energy."

"I think you misunderstand, the Vex must be destroyed."

"Ah, don't you think that's a bit extreme," Joe tries to reason.

Avar stands up and glowers imposingly over Joe, "They took everything from me."

Joe slowly backs up, getting out of range off the pure magic washing off of Avar, "Ok, ok, uh could you possibly give some of the hermits a less intense transformation. Like Beef can't really move and Xb can't wear a jacket since it hurts his arm fins."

"No, absolutely not. I like that you came to talk to me, but I can't just let you make things harder for me," Avar grins, "Now leave."

"But-" Joe stumbles away from the meteor, landing flat on his bottom. He's back in the real world. Pain fills his mouth as Doc runs up to him.

When the meteor had gone active Doc ran over to the room to see what sort of particles the meteor was letting off. Opening the doors washed a cool dark mist over him. It made it almost impossible to see the figure standing next to the meteor.

Doc runs over to Joe just in time to see him fall to the ground. When he looks up there's a small drop of blood dripping down his chin.

"Doc?" Joe slurs, shivering as the mist swirls around him protectively. "What's happening?"

"I think you're being affected," Doc gently explains as he carefully helps Joe to his feet, "What were you doing in here anyway?"


What's happening to Joe? Any one have an idea?

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