Four Is (not) Better Than Two

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Falling on his face again Xisuma growls, thankful for his helmet, but incredibly annoyed. Spines bristling he pushes himself onto all fours and starts the walk back to his chests.

Wincing as he places his hand on a sharp rock Xisuma huffs, shambling over to his chests he freezes. Chuffing out a sharp breath he secures his helmet.

Reaching into the chest he catches sight of his hands and sniffs slightly. This isn't him. The hands, the horns, the tail, the freaking spines. He can't even walk right. a build that would normally take a few days is taking him well over a week.

Sitting on the ground, legs splayed out, Xisuma looks at the way his legs look, the way everything is wrong.

Soft footsteps crunch on the gravel behind him.

"Xisuma?" His brother's voice echos slightly, "You ok?"

Softly Xisuma shakes his head no.

"Do you want to tell me the problem?"

Another no.

"Ok, well i'm just going to sit here with you then," Ex slumps down next to his brother and leans back.

Barely audible, Xisuma whispers, "I hate this."

Rubbing his arm Ex nod

"I'm the admin, i'm supposed to protect my world from whatever happens," He takes a breath, "I cant do anything against a dumb rock."

"Oh," Ex whispers.

"I did nothing, and I can't even walk, I'm stuck with the weird bear crawl thing."

"Was that just too much?" Ex asks, "Straw that broke the camel's back?"

Xisuma nods slightly, "Yeah."

"Remember the plan, we'll get out of this."  

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