Spell Work 2:

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As Hypno starts getting better at magic some small things start happening as he starts to develop his own way of producing and using magic. Most noticeable are his eyes. Whenever he uses magic they glow a brilliant gold.

When he asks Max why it's happening the small dragon shrugs and explains it's a way of releasing excess magic. It's extremely clear that the dragon is not completely sure as to why that happens.

What's much less noticeable is the 'tattoos', faint markings that are just barely a different color than his skin. When he uses magic or walks near something else that's magical they glow and gain colors.

Right under his collarbone is an eye, it glows a brilliant green with a dark void like pupil.

Chains wrap around his arms. Connecting all the different symbols together. They appear old and somewhat corroded.

A Vex like mask appears on his right bicep. The face has cracks tuning across it and seems to rub Scar the wrong way. When active it glows light blue

There's a Gear, it's Centered on his collar bone. It glows a deep copper. Upon further inspection, it matches the one stamped into Mumbo's leg.

The Shattered staff lays cracked into many pieces. It glows a soft lavender and has a soft calming feeling whenever Hypno touches it.

With the gear settled in between the horns, a horned helm surrounds the eye. This feels evil and somehow even worse than the meteor.

Hypno shutters as he looks at his chest. The tattoos show his forced connection to the meteor. With a deep sigh, he tugs his coat back on and gets ready for his daily lesson.


"Today you will learn the spell, speak with animals. It's not one in your book as it is a Vex spell but with what's happening you would be wise to learn."

Hypno nods as Max walks him through the spell, "Ok, I think I get it. I have to connect to their magical signal and hope for the best.?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Max murmurs, "It's not easy for non-Vex mages."

Hypno stands up as Max leads him out of the room and out onto the patio where there is a wolf waiting patiently, "I'm going to take a wild guess and say I'm talking to the wolf?"

Max nods and settles down in the sun to watch. Hypno closes his eyes and feels for the wolf's ambient magic. He brushes past it a few times before recognizing it.

He attempts to form the spell Connection and fails. Frowning he tries again. To the same result. Again and again, he tries. Looking over to Max he asks, "What am I doing wrong?"

Max walks around considering the question, "You're still trying to use watcher magic. Try to make your magic feel more like Scar's."

Closing his eyes and trying the spell again Hypno gets much closer to hitting the correct mark. It takes a lot of practice for him to get the spell but it's so worth it in the end.

He makes the connection to the wolf, who after a few tries with success gets up and wanders off.

"What? Is that it?" Hypno asks as Max pads up to him.

"Well, for that lesson, It is. I know the type of spell the meteor, Avar, uses-"

"Wait, Avar?"

"That's his name."

"How do you know that."

"It's a very long story."

Hypno raises an eyebrow, "I've got nothing happening."

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