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Eyes lighting up Mumbo looks around his industrial district. Something feels different... standing up he straightens his clothes and walks into the nether portal. Something at the back of his neck sparks and his eyes dim.

Flickering the color pops back a completely blank red.

Pushing the emergency button on his communicator Mumbo's consciousness fades.

The next thing he knows Doc is right in his face.

"Well that worked," The creeper hisses as he looks down Mumbo.

"What happened?" Mumbo asks as he blinks up at Doc. They're still in the nether but he's been dragged away from the portal a little bit.

"That's what I want to know."

Mumbo straightens up and his eyes dim slightly, "Coding."

Doc hisses, "I should have known that you being a full robot for a while would leave side effects."

Eyes shifting to a light blue Mumbo frowns, "I don't like that."

Nodding Doc hisses, "Yeah. I think we should check what else might be changed because of this."

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea," Mumbo murmurs.

"Ok, follow me," Doc stands up and starts walking down the hall.

The slight clang of metal on metal echoes down the hall as Mumbo follows wordlessly.

"Not talking or can't talk?"

"Uh, I think... I couldn't..." Mumbo jitters, "I don't think I was thinking..."

"Ok," Doc sighs, "Do you trust me to get back to my lab with you like this?"

"Oh, uh, yeah..." Mumbo shrugs, "I trust you."

Doc nods, "Let's keep going."

This time he watches as Mumbo's mechanical eyes glaze over. His movements shift to less fluid and more robotic.

Once they get back to the lab Doc draws Mumbo from his code trance and paces around the room, "ok, what should we try?"

"Logic stuff maybe?" Mumbo shrugs, "Robots aren't good at that?"

"Maybe yeah..." Doc sighs.

Doc sets up some logic puzzles and has Mumbo complete them. He gets stuck at a few points but does a relatively good job.

Leaning back Doc frowns, "I think you'll be ok... we'll work on keeping you in charge of yourself."

Mumbo nods, "Yeah, I'll come back in a week or so?"

"Sounds good."

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