How three became one: How end fell to void

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Written by: SpookedShortie 

Darkest sea, ever frigid. Above you rests crumbling stars. Fragments collide and coalesce, while others simply sink. Great gleams slowly dissolve into specks, except for one.

Gently hovering, pure light shifts. Oh how it glows, beating endlessly. Well, almost endless.

It swirls and colors coalesce, and so emerges the end of this world. A harbinger. It plummets, then struggles to stay afloat. Inky black stains new flesh as the moments-old being is dragged further and further beneath the surface. Darkness and nebulae mix, echoing the now-dead world above.

Glowing shards and bubbles cling to the body, forming pointed petals. It is stretched and pulled throughout the struggle, lanky appendages shape. Pointed ears, head, neck, and tail shudder with exertion. Claw-like fingers reach for above as arms and legs flail wildly.

Suddenly, it stops. A fight against change ended, now it drifts downwards-

And crashes into lightless stars. By the time all the above had crumbled it finally awoke, and witnessed the death of a world. It's form is weak, dripping into the surrounding wasteland. Each movement only washes it away further, slumping back to the ground in puddles repeatedly.

Hundreds of attempts later, it finally stands and gazes upon the remnants. Hunks of off-white stone float aimlessly, dead stars. Small clusters glow, the only life left. It's free flesh drifts downward coming to rest on ruin. Clumping together they form pillars and so the creature stumbles forward.


It plucks pieces from within, flickering embers. Claws at cratered stone, cracked holes emerge. Gently placing the light in, it brushes the crumbling pebbles over. Now to repeat and wait, wait for it to grow. In the meantime it takes the largest light and a bit of black to coat it, layers upon layers. All the intent and desperation nourish it's creations. Purple sprouts chime with each bloom, an echoing chorus. Then there's a loud crack, it turns swiftly and looks upon the shuddering inky orb.


It steps through only to find endless red, extreme heat and smoke emanate. Steps forward lies a pool of liquid embers, bubbling violently. Cooled chunks float about, merging and being shaped by the vigorous frothing of the pool.


It holds the other's hand, it's little spark clings tightly. These opposites have found a new place, that of brown, green, and blue. The colors swirl and mix, moving less and less as the two near a small tree. Dark in coloration and consisting of two main branches, life seems to come from it. Then suddenly smoke, the younger has set some fluffed green ablaze. It spends a long time trying to put out the fire. Only just finished burning, they play in the ash. Flung all about it reaches the tree, which begins to gently glow amber.

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