Fish out of Water 1: Fins and Tail

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It's been a few weeks since Etho was affected and Xb can't let the lingering thought that he's next to go. He knows that he'll be ok regardless of what happens but the thought of something taking his body and changing it is absolutely terrifying.

As he wanders around placing details in his town his communicator buzzes letting him know that his hunger was dropping. Pulling a golden carrot out he eats it. Nothing seems to happen, his hunger continues to drop.

Confused he eats another and another. Nothing happens. Now he's starting to panic. Walking over to his food chest he pulls a golden apple out. Nothing happens to his hunger. Swallowing, he grabs a few different kinds of food and carefully eats while monitoring his hunger. No change.

Still, nothing changes. Nervously he swaps his communicator into chat mode and sends a private message to Doc, telling him that food isn't working right. A few minutes later the customary Meteor alert goes out.

DocM77: Xb, I'm coming over, if you feel like anything's about to happen listen to what your body is telling you.

xBcrafted: Will do.

DocM77: I'll be there in an hour, hang on. If anything bad starts happening call X and have him teleport you.

Dropping his communicator down to his side Xb frowns. He'd known that he probably was going to be affected this round but he didn't really

expect it to start like this.

His stomach grumbles, picking up a stack of fish Xb continues fleshing his bases details out. As he walks under the floating part an odd feeling washes over him. Something up there is calling to him. Listening to what Doc had said he starts heading up.

As he opens his elytra he clumsily lands on his base. He stumbles onto the glass floor. His elytra weren't acting right, it's probably just on the way out.

Legs shaking he tries to stand. A horrible sense of foreboding overwhelms him as he brushes his hair out of his eyes.

Slowly he stands up and eats a few more fish before starting to look for why he was drawn up to the floor of his base. As he scans the area. He notices something off, crouching down he places his hand on the corner of a block he gasps sharply. His hand is growing bigger. After a panicked moment, he falls back in shock as his height doubles.

Standing up he grips the wall before pulling his communicator out. Frowning he carefully pokes at the buttons until he opens a holographic keyboard. Increasing the size as much as possible he shakily sends Xisuma a message telling him that the transformation has started.


Xisuma: what? why not?

DocM77: what the meteor is doing is environmental, if you move him he could get seriously hurt.

Xisuma: should I teleport to him?

Docm77: I've got him, you get Biffa and check the meteor.

Biffa: make sure he's ok...

DocM77: I will

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