Updating worlds 1: Meeting The Nether Lord

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Yelping as he's smacked off the platform by an angry ravager, Tango hopes that feather falling boots will save him.

They don't.

TangoTek fell from a high place

Sitting up next to a respawn anchor, Tango looks around, this isn't right.

He's in the middle of absolutely nowhere, no piglin bastions he can hide in. The piglens surprisingly like the small phoenix and while they have no idea what he's saying, they will protect him.

He's spawned in a soul sand valley, a nether waist in front of him and way off though the dense fog he can just barely see the start of a crimson forest, "uhhh, comm. Where's my comm," he squeaks, looking in his pockets then when it's not found he digs into the loose sand around him. It's gone.

A deep bone chilling sense of dread fills him.

"This isn't good."

A Ghast wails overhead.

Puffing his wings up Tango takes his many many sizes to big shoes off and puts them on the respawn anchor. After making sure he's not wearing anything else that would trip him up he bolts.

Running towards the forest.

The ghast spots him but doesn't seem to think he's a threat so it doesn't shoot.

Panting Tango makes it to the forest. Clambering up a tree he makes a trilling sound in the back of his throat. Confused at the wave disappointment he got when there's not a response he leans into the branches and watches the ground. With no comm no compass and no sun there's no chance of him getting home.

Maybe Xiusma will find him.


Tears start flowing, strangled gasps worming from his throat. After about half an hour he manages to compose himself.

There's some sort of fruit hanging off the trees, grabbing one Tango sniffs at it and takes a careful bite.

It's not too bad.

A grunt comes from under the tree.

"Oh no."

The hoglin snorts and headbuts the tree. Scrambling to get on top of the leaves, Tango makes it to a new tree just as his tree gets knocked down.

Bolting across the treetops he gasps as he falls through to the ground. Spotting him the hoglin chases after him.

Gasping for breath Tango keeps running. His heart is pounding up into his ears. Looking back to see where the hoglin is, Tango runs smack into an armored leg. Thankfully it's not metal but a thick leather.

The being looks down at Tango and grins. He easily steps over Tango. Looking at the hoglin the being growles, "Leave now."

Squealing the hoglin scrambles back to the forest.

"Are you alright child?" The being asks turning to Tango just as he collapses to the ground, "Oh. that's not good..."

The nether lord scoops the child into his arms and walks back into his hall.


Blinking Tango looks up at a high ceiling. He doesn't recognize it, "Where am I?" he whispers to himself as he wiggles out of the blanket. Someone had tucked him into bed. Before he could be offended by being treated like a kid, he remembers he's a kid right now...

The bed he's on is huge, far bigger than any human sized being would ever need. Anxiety starts to work it's way into his heart. A slight chirping sound comes from the floor. Looking over the edge of the bed Tango gasps, a tiny netherite strider. Dropping down off the bed he crouches next to the strider and grins, "You're cute... do you know where i am... why am i talking to this."

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