Dinnerbone part two

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Pearl lightly fingers the remaining name tags in her inventory. It's time for another round of flipping the hermits Via dinnerbone name tags.

There's only about three hermits left that could possibly be flipped. Well four but she's not going to flip Beef over.

That might be a little too mean.


Who should her first victim be...

A flash of white darts behind the Gtrain.


"Hey Etho," She calls over, "Could you help me bring this stuff over to my base?"

"Hm, oh sure thing," He reaches down and pick up one of the shulkers.

Patting his shoulder Pearl Laughs, "Thanks."

A moment later Etho is laying flat on his back at her feet. Popping into his fox form he wiggles around trying to orient himself.

Gekkering up at Pearl he huffs and submits to his fate.


Her next target. Gem.

Honestly she doesn't even know if it'll work on her, she only has antlers. She's not even counted as a hybrid normally. She's a shapeshifter not a hybrid. So maybe?

After placing a nametag on an unsuspecting Gem she determines that no. It does not work on shapeshifters in their human forms.


Wels is the next person on her list. The half dragon has a decent chance for this to work on.

"Hi Wels," Pearl grins as she walks over to his base.

"Oh, hey Pearl," Wels grins over at her, "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing good," She walks over to him, "How are you?"

"Good, what brings you over here?"

"I wanted to give you something," Pearl says, smacking the name tag onto his armor.

"Oh... this is new," Wels murmurs as he struggles to sit up, "Why?"

"Eh, why not?"

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