Comfort is found in words and actions: Impulse

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Impulse carefully works on expanding his base. Thankfully he hasn't fallen in the water as he would have to swim all the way back to the shoreline to be able to take off. Since he's made partially of bedrock he's heavier. It takes more effort to take off with the rockets; thankfully Tango gives him extra every so often.

As he places blocks on the edge of the expansion he slips. Falling into the water as he struggles, a hand grabs his wrist and pulls him safely back.

"Impulse, are you ok? You seem kinda out of it?" Joe asks as he sits the other man down. He hands him a blanket to help dry him off.

"It's nothing, it's just most of the hermits have had horrible transformations and I got... being a rock. I feel so bad for everyone and it feels wrong that nothing has happened to me."

Joe huffs slightly, "It's not nothing."

"But it is, Tango has wings, Zedaph's half sheep and I'm over here, I can't pull myself out of the water."

Joe looks straight into his void-like eyes, "That's it."


"You can't swim too well, you've still been affected and you can have problems."

Impulse makes an oh shape with his mouth, "Thanks for helping me back up, if you hadn't shown up I would've had to swim all the way back to shore. Then jump off one of Tango's fake bushes. Have you seen him cartoon logic the bushes into working like actual bushes?"

Joe laughs," I'm happy to help. If you don't mind me asking, do the bedrock patches extend into your skin?"

"Yeah, it's solid rock for a few inches. It's somehow really flexible but still impenetrable."

"Natural armor?" Joe smiles.

"Yeah, and since it's rock I don't eat as much, it might be more of a really slow metabolism than anything," He muses, "I really only need to eat once a day."

"That's interesting, is that connected to the void?"

"We think it's because things don't really grow near bedrock, so less food."

Joe nods understanding.

"It's the same with sleep actually, we just thought it was because of the transformation but I sleep for about twelve hours."

Raising an eyebrow Joe shakes his head, "What is it with the meteor that makes him feel the need to mess up people's sleep."

This makes Impulse snicker, "That does seem to be a trend."

"You sleep more because being the barrier in between worlds doesn't have anything happening?"

"Nothing happens to bedrock," Impulse shrugs, "The void is really interesting to look at, just calmly extending out into nothing."

As Impulse talks, Joe listens, nodding along and imagining what he feels like.

"I fell asleep in the end once, I almost gave Zedaph and Tango a heart attack."

Joe smiles, "That sounds like them."

Impulse smiles back at him, his void-like eyes glittering softly.

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