How Three Became One 2: plants wither

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Creed grins at Avar, the day's work has ended and they're heading out to meet up with some friends.

"So, what kind of trouble do you think they got into this time?" Avar laughs adjusting his shield on his back.

"Knowing them, somethings probably on fire," Creed grins, her tail flicking back, "Eunoia probably has given up on stopping them."

"Gadget and Menko are certainly chaotic," Avar shakes his head fondly, his green eyes glittering softly.

"Maybe Azie and Heloth have gotten them under control," Creed laughs.

"I wouldn't put it past them... what's that."

"What's what?" Creed asks straightening up; on guard, her hand darting towards her spear.

"I heard something over here."

"Of course you did," She sighs relaxing slightly, her armor clinking as she moves, "I wouldn't just check it out like that, it could be trapped."

Avar creeps forwards towards the source of the noise, "Relax it's probably just a raccoon or something."

"Then why are you checking it out?"

"It might not be..."

"You are insufferable, I'm telling Menko that you're doing this," She hisses.

"You do that," Avar whispers. Something whizzes past his ear and thuds duly into a wooden post. A knife, "You were right," He yelps stumbling back.

"I told you," Creed mutters as she moves out of range of the trap, "You don't go looking at things if you don't know what they are."

Avar moves to shield Creed and they start running out of the area. One more knife clatters to the side, red drips slowly to the ground.

"Shoot," Avar hisses through clenched teeth, " Don't stop, keep going."

It isn't long before the pair stumble to safety. Dropping down onto the ground Avar groans.

"Ok let me see it," Creed laughs softly, "Where did it hit you?"

"Upper arm," Avar mutters as Creed moves to look.

"Okay, it doesn't look too bad..." She trails off pulling some water out and a healing potion out.

Avar grins, "It barely cut me."

Creed snorts as she drips water over the cut, "It did cut you... not the worst I've seen you have but still pretty bad."

"Eh," Avar shrugs, "Hey careful..."

"Ok ok, hold still I'm wrapping it," Creed murmurs, flicking her tail, "Please stop getting into trouble like this. I'm almost out of potions, mostly used by you."

"So...Uh, Don't tell Menko?" Avar grins as he moves his arm carefully at Creeds prompting.

"Don't need to," Creed giggles jerking her thumb over her shoulder, "Azie's over there."

Avars face drops, "Wait, come back here," He yelps as a flash of white disappears around the corner, "I'm so dead..."

"You need to be more careful," A smooth voice echoes as a tall purple-haired man walks over. A small white dragon curled around his shoulders.

"Hi Ko," Avar grins, "So what brings you over here?"

"Well, a little dragon told me you were poking your nose where it doesn't belong," Menko grins as he scratches the head of a small white dragon.

"Fair," Avar grins, "Let's go find the others?"

As they walk over to the inn they are staying at, many of the townsfolk walk up and thank them. There had been several giants threatening them and it had only taken a matter of days to deal with them.

As they settle down into a long tavern hall the last two members arrive. A tall firbolg named Gadget and an elf called Eunoia, her badger Heloth following behind.

"You're back," The innkeeper grins, "The lady thanks you."

Avar grins. "Na, no way, we just do what we need to."

"Do you have another quest for us?" Menko asks softly.

The innkeeper frowns, "You are to take a break."

"Mr. Underhill really?" Gadget asks softly, "Why?"

Jozaih shakes his head, "You've worked far too often and you can't keep up like this."

From their places under the table, Azie and Heloth yawn and stretch out. The pair of familiars watching the exchange in dull fascination.

Avar groans, "Alright, tell the lady of lies that we'll take some time off."

"So what happened?" Joziah asks as he brings them some food. Swinging a chair over he grabs his notebook.

"Writing the adventures out again?" Menko grins.

"As always," He smiles, "Your tales of grand adventure are something to be proud of."

Eunoia shakes her head, "we just do what we can to keep things safe."

Avar speaks up, "It was pretty crazy, the giants wanted to crush the town."

As the party explains their adventure Joziah nods and writes down what happened.

"Take some time off, the world won't plunge into chaos, I'll give you your next job in a week."

"Any what ifs?" Creed asks.

"If the town is in danger," He nods, "I heard about the trap you sprung."

"Really?" Avar asks, "What do you know?"

Laughing Joziah shakes his head, "No need to worry, some of the kids wanted to try to trap you."

The group smile, "They are getting pretty good."

The rest of the night continues calmly, they head up to their rooms for the night.

As the five troop down the stairs the next morning they spot one of the farmers talking in a hushed whisper with Joziah.

Gadget looks over and nods as he gets wavered over, "Can I help you with something?"

The farmer locks eyes, "Something is destroying my farm. There's this sinkhole that opened up and now there's this black ooze that's killing everything it comes in contact with."

"Ok, I can get my armor and take a look at it," Gadget grins, "Is there anything else I should know?"

"And this morning," The farmer gasps, "A hand started clawing its way out."

By this point, the others have wandered over, "A zombie maybe?"

"It didn't look like a Zombie, way too big and it wasn't rotten."

Avar nods, "We will all check it out. Let us get our armor on. Meet us at the edge of town."

"Oh thank you," the farmer grins.


I hope you've enjoyed reading and here are some notes
(the artificer firbolg that they call gadget his mark is a small gear stamped onto his inventions) (The healer [cleric] tiefling Creed Darkstride) (The wizard, Menko Lésa) ( [paladin] meteor Avar Verendus) (The Druid Elf Eunoia Liadon)

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