There's Change Coming 1: Choices, Choices, Choices.

201 10 29

Part 200 :)

part 1/4 of the epilogues 


The hermits stand in stunned silence. They could go back.

They could be human again.

Many of the hermits grow excited and relieved. This nightmare will end for good.

While only a few others hang back. They've grown used to the transformation. For some its grown on them. They've adjusted to their transformations. And on a very select few it feels right.

Others are scared. Scared to turn back. It's been such a long time since they've been human. They don't know if they could turn back. Or they're so far away from being human that they aren't sure how they could go back to normal.

"We should call the others." Xisuma flicks his tail, "Python, Skizz, Etho, and, Hbomb."

"Oh yeah."

Iskall nods, "I'll call Hbomb over."

"Already told Skizz." Impulse shoots Xisuma a thumbs up.

"Calling Etho," Bdubs calls over stifling a yawn.

"Good, I'll message Python then." Xisuma bobs his head.

"Might want to call some of the watchers," Grian chirps.

"Oh yeah." Ren grins.

Vex smiles as she stands with her siblings watching the hermits rush about preparing things, "They seem happy."

"Oh sister," Void looks over to her, "You have not seen the extent of their wishes."

Nether nods, "So much suffering, it shall come to an end. They don't know how to feel."

Humming softly Vex flicks her wrist and plants grow up around her to form a chair. Sitting back she watches the hermits figure out what they should set up for turning back.

Shulkers full of old clothes are brought out from home worlds and long term storage.

A sort of med bay is set up for the hermits who would have a harder time getting back.

Then one by one the Hermits make their choice. To return to human or to stay as they are. Ren finds that he's comfortable as is. It feels right. He's accepted this as a part of him. So he remains a werewolf.

The others make their choice. Some stay changed. Finding they enjoy the powers given to them. And others return to what they feel is right.


Slowly and carefully Mumbo approaches Vex.

"You want to be human?" She asks softly.

Mumbo nods, his eyes turning a warm yellow firm happiness, a small tinge of blue creeping in from anxiety, "If it's possible... It's been, it's been a while."

She nods and starts collecting a ball of magic in her hands. She hands it to Mumbo, "You have your... spot?"

He nods.

"Good, go there and break this." She hands him the crystal. "It will turn you back."

Nodding Mumbo thanks her and walks towards the large hall of bed's they had set up... looks almost like his demise bunker at his big dig. When he leaves the next hermit, Gem, is ushered in privately to make her choice.

Sitting on a bed Mumbo's fans wirrr loudly, for the last time .

In a slow solid motion he breaks the magic crystal.

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