MCC14!!:Rocket Spleef and Sands of time

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As he arrives at the meeting spot, Wilbur notes the faint trail of bedrock flakes. It reminds him of The Perambulator and his own experiences with bedrock. His breath quickens and it takes him a minute to slow it back down. Impulse sits at the end of the particle trail. He's scratching at the dark patches covering his skin, eyebrows furrowed and teeth gritted.

"Hello, how are you doing?" Wilbur calls out before he sits down beside the Hermit.

Impulse jumps, startled, turning around quickly. The sudden movement along with surprise causes his fingernails to dig into his arm too deeply and void-like blood slowly oozes out from the cuts. Impulse inhales sharply, a pained look painting his face.

"Holy shi-oot man, I'm so sorry. Let me help." Wilbur searches through his inventory looking for the medical kit, which had become a necessity due to accidents during both games and while on set.

"I'm going to need to grab your arm, is that alright?" With the kit on his lap, Wilbur is ready to begin cleaning and bandaging the wound.

Impulse nods, "Yeah, go ahead."

Wilbur gently pulls Impulse's arm towards him and starts wiping it with some antibacterial wipes. Messy indentations lie on the older's forearm, slightly dragging towards his body. Wil puts a bit of disinfectant on it but mostly as a precaution, due to the void properties of Impulse's blood already working as a preventative measure. The tedious process of bandaging commences and to avoid the awkward silence, Wilbur begins to speak.

"I reckon now's as decent a time as any.. So bedrock, yeah?" Wilbur looks up momentarily, and Impulse nods, "Simply put it's just void rock, there to separate dimensions or somethin'. It's heavy, almost indestructible, drenched in abyss; that make sense so far?"

"..Yep. How do you know all this man?"

"How do I- I know all of this due to one of my.." He pauses, contemplating although only for a short time, "Ventures, which I tend to document. Messed with it a bit too much and then suddenly, it follows me." The last bit was said in a theatrical tone, emphasis put on the "suddenly".

Wil runs a hand through his hair, recalling the details, "Weathered pillars two blocks high, consuming all it comes in contact with."

"I got the splotches too, mostly on my legs though; reckoned that's part of the trail bit. The patches made it a bit painful to move but after a while the excess bits would flake off, long as I scratched at it lightly." He looks pointedly at the now bandaged arm.

"Any more force and it began to hurt a lot, sped up growth even. They never spread too far, the bedrock spots, just stopped growing after a bit. I never got the void eyes, just the cracking skin."

"The Perambulator is what I called it, my trail. Even found a plant sittin' on top of it once, but it also suffocated some bats.." A long sigh,

"After a few days I went to the Nether, and it dissipated. Had to return to the Overworld to get wood though, and the bedrock broke my portal. I kind of just sat and waited after that, for the patches to slough off. They did; after a few more days, and I left immediately after."

Wil lightly pats Impulse's arm, "Right then, I think your arm's good now. Best head to the dome now... I think I've told you all that'll be helpful."

Impulse is stunned, all he can do is watch as Wilbur walks away; medkit put away, hand messing his hair, "Well, that sounds like what the void told me..."


As the contestants file into the dome a whisper ripples through the crowd.

It's halfway through the tournament and every one can see just how far ahead two of the teams are.

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